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‘IT IS BROKEN’ – Campus-Wide Outreach 


Wars, terrorist attacks, racial tensions, mass shootings, polarizing politics, pandemics AIDS epidemic, climate changes, religious conflicts, sex trafficking, broken families  – most will agree that the world is broken. But the world’s not the only thing broken. Living life apart from God has left this generation of college students broken. Yet, most of them don’t even know it.




During the outreach, David openly shares his testimony of brokenness to redemption that came when he collided with the revelation of Jesus Christ and the gospel. From there, he takes students on a journey into their own brokenness and how Jesus desires to make it beautiful as well.

Watch God mend the broken lives of students on your campus while building community within your movement with the ‘IT IS BROKEN’ campus wide outreach. 

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It Is Broken students at table
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It is Broken table
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IIB David closeup
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IIB 2016 david speaking
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It is Broken beautiful things
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It is Broken mosaic
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Brokenness leads to new life


Peter (name changed) came from a Jewish background. He came to the “It Is Broken” event because he got to smash a tile outside his dorm representing the things he thought were broken in this world. As David walked through story after story, headline after headline of how the world was broken and then his own personal story, he became more and more convinced that there wasn’t any hope for the world. Peter's ears perked up when David mentioned that there is hope and it is found in the person of Jesus. With such weak faith, one might say a mustard seed of faith, Peter placed his faith in Christ that night. (story from 'It Is Broken' at Northwestern University)

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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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