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Jesus, The Church Needs You! (Prayer Journal 58)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, there is no one or nothing that infinitely comes close to comparing to You. Yet once again we find ourselves distracted from You and the mission You've called us to. Jesus, I am reminded that we need You. We can not do anything apart from You. I ask that You would silence us before Your holy presence.

God, show us our sin against You, the Holy One, and lead us to confess and repent as we mourn, wail, and weep over it. Forgive us for being adulterous and double-minded as we often love this world before, besides, and instead of You. Forgive us for allowing temporary things of this earthly life to distract us from You, the eternal King, and Your mission. Help us to turn from our sin and and to return to You with our whole hearts that we may be holy vessels who enjoy intimate fellowship with You, the Triune God. May the glory, goodness, grace, love, power, and Kingdom of Christ freely flow to, in, and through us as we represent You in this world.

O God, stir us up to love You more than anyone or anything else with all that You've given to us and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and empower us to love one another as You, Jesus, have loved us. By this may the world know that we follow You. Give us Your heart to serve one another and the broken, hurting, and lost in our world as we follow Your example. Empower us to esteem others more highly than ourselves and to not only be concerned with our interests but the interests of others.

God, would You overwhelm us with Your manifest presence as You set our hearts ablaze with a passion for You that the world, flesh, and the devil will never be able to quench or extinguish. Burn off and away everything in us that is not like You as You conform us more and more to the likeness of Jesus. Grant us the grace to cast every anxious thought upon You for You care for us. Help us in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving to bring our requests to You as Your peace that passes all understanding guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. By the anointing would You lift every burden and destroy every yoke of bondage in our lives.

God, may we be a people who rest in what Your Word says of who we are in Christ and not entertain and listen to the lies of the devil. You are greater and infinitely stronger than the forces of darkness allied against us. I ask, in the mighty name of Jesus, for You to break the power of the evil one, the pull of this world, and the lusts of the flesh off of Your children. Jesus, You have disarmed powers and principalities as You made a public spectacle of them through the cross. We are more than conquerors in Christ and we fight from the position of victory with the divine weapons that You've given us.

God, I ask for a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon the earth and for You to use the Church to win great multitudes to Jesus from every nation, tribe, people group, and tongue. Jesus, stir us up by Your Spirit to be on mission with You everywhere we go to our neighbors near and the nations afar. Send Your holy presence before us as You prepare the hearts of those that You are sending us to for an encounter with You and Your Word. If Your holy presence does not go before us then do not let us move from here. Fill us with Your Spirit as You manifest Your presence and speak Your Words to others through our lives and lips. As You send us forth let us know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified and raised from the dead.

Jesus, as we gather together for fellowship and worship may the focus not be on singing and preaching but may You only have the preeminence and supremacy. Bring us to the place that no flesh glories in Your presence and that You alone are glorified in our midst. Let us give You more than sermons and songs as You bring us back to the heart of worship where it is all about You, Jesus. Amen!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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