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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Amazing Love How Can It Be That You My King Would Die For Me! (Prayer Journal 39)

Jesus, it is amazing to think that You, the King of glory, left Your throne in heaven, the glory that You shared with the Father before the creation of the world, and the worship of the heavenly hosts. You came into this world, made through You in perfection, that was broken, fallen, and marred because of man's rebellion and sin. You came into this world on a rescue mission to reconcile the world to the Father. You, the image of the invisible God, came in the image of sinful humanity, yet You were without sin, as a servant to do the Father's will which led to Your death on the cross for the sins of the world. Jesus, my mind cannot fathom that You, the eternal and immortal God, took our sins upon You, died a substitutionary death for humanity, bore God's wrath, and satisfied His righteousness to make the forgiveness of sins and eternal life a reality to all who would call upon Your great name. My heart and soul rejoices in You for that is exactly what You did.

How great You are, Lord Jesus, and how great is the Father's love for us! I cannot begin to comprehend or explain the heights, depths, width, and breath of Your great and incredible love. For God, You so loved the world that You gave Your One and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Father, You did not send Your Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it. Thank You, Father, for demonstrating Your love towards us in this that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Christ, You are risen from the dead, ascended to heaven, and now are seated at the right hand of the Father. Thanks for new life in Christ and raising us up with Him. God, may Your love overwhelm us as we think of who You are and what You have done for us.

God, grant us an encounter with Your holy presence as You gave the prophet Isaiah a theophany of You which marked his life and ministry. Pour Your Spirit upon us in a manner that moves us to confess and repent of our sins and renounce our idols so that we are refreshed and revived by the presence of Jesus. Help us to turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face. That the things of earth will grow strangely dim in light of His glory and grace. As we do, cause the love of and for this world to drain from our hearts and fill our hearts to overflowing measure with the love of the Father. Jesus, as You laid Your life down for us may we in turn lay ours down for You (Romans 12:1-2).

Stir our hearts and affections for You so that You are our hearts one true desire. Set our hearts ablaze with a passion for You, Your glory, and Your Kingdom that will grow in ever increasing intensity from this moment until we see You face to face and hear You say to us 'Well done good and faithful servant.' From the depths of our soul may we sing: There is none like You! No one else could touch my heart like You do. We could search all of eternity long and find that there is none like You! In Jesus' name. Amen!!!

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