Father thank You for loving me with an everlasting love. You have shown Your love in the most amazing way by giving You Son Jesus to die for me while I was Your enemy. You do not love me more or less based on my performance, how I or others feel about me, or if I am trying to control things or know that things are completely out of my control. Your love towards me is constant and overwhelming. Help me to bask and soak in Your love for me.
I have failed too many times in my life. I have so many faulty cracks in the foundation of my soul. I am asking You to show them to me. Stir me to invite You into these areas of brokenness so that You can heal and restore me. Do a work of spiritual transformation in my life as my mind is renewed by Your Word. Help me to identify every lie of the evil one so that I can reject them and replace them with Your truth.

You are with me, and You are more than enough for everything that I face in life. It is Your Holy Spirit who empowers and enables me to do things that I could never do apart from You. Help me in everything to long to bring You glory and live in a manner that is pleasing to You. Bend my heart towards Your will. May Jesus truly be the center of my life.

Help me to follow Jesus by faith and not give into fear that desires to keep me from experiencing all that You have for me. You chose me, called me, and anointed me to partner with You in what You are doing in the world. You choose what that looks like and where You send me, not me. I am called to do Your will not whatever I decide and expect You to bless it. Help me to respond to Your gracious choosing of me by completely surrendering to Your will.
May this be not just a song that I sing with my lips but the posture of my heart. May I go where You want, when You want, to do what You want, and to speak what You say. Forgive me for fighting against You and for grumbling and complaining. I do not need a certain position/title, salary, or recognition from people. I have Your love, presence, ordination, eyes on me, provision, and power to partner with You in Your purpose. I do not even need to know what plans You have for me for You know them. Help me to come to and pray to You as You answer me. Help me to seek You and find You as I search for You with all of my heart. I love You Lord but only because You first loved me. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!