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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God Bear Much Fruit in and Through My Life! (Prayer Journal 200)

God, I pray that the good seed of Your Word find rich, fertile ground in my heart. May Your Word take root and bear much fruit through my life for Your glory. I know that I need to be built up and strengthened by Your Word. Stir me by Your Spirit to hunger and thirst for it daily. Help me to read, meditate, memorize, apply, and share it with others.

Jesus, Your Word is rare in the earth. Yet I ask you to untie and ride me to carry Your presence and Word to people in this world that You've appointed me to do this to. I avail myself to You for this purpose. Give me boldness, courage, compassion, urgency, and wisdom for the assignment. Rid me of me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit and presence. Prepare me in these days to be a vessel that You can use to spark the flames of revival in the Church that You will use to bring spiritual awakening to the world.

God, I am so tired of being a spectator of the events that are happening in the earth. Despite what my natural eyes see You are moving and at work in the earth. I see some that You are using to play their parts in Your Kingdom agenda. Continue to use them as I ask You to use me too!

Would You make me like the men of Issachar? Grant me understanding of the times that we are living in, wisdom to know what to do, and the authority to bring Your Kingdom to bear in people's lives, families, cities, regions, nations, and generations. This world is in desperate need of Your Word and Your presence but so many are unaware of this.

God stir my affection and heart for You above all else. Burden my heart with what You would have for me to partner with You in. I do not know what to do and am not able to accomplish what You have for me in Your Kingdom agenda unless You do it to, in, and through me by Your Spirit. I desperately need You! Pour out Your Word, Your Spirit, Your glory, and Your presence upon my life in such a manner that I will be unable to go back to the way things used to be. Help me to live as a man who pursues you with reckless abandon. So that when Jesus either calls me home or returns for me I'll hear His commendation: Well done You good and faithful servant! Amen!!!

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