Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for Your mercy and grace to me today. I have overindulged my flesh by spending too much time on social media and eating too much food. Please forgive me and help me to yield to Your Holy Spirit so that I can put the deeds of this body to death. Do not let me get comfortable looking for ways to satisfy myself. Do not let me get lax in my pursuit of You and partnering with You in Your mission.

Give me ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church in this hour. What I hear You say in the secret place, grant me the boldness and courage to say in the public spaces that You set me in. Break me free from the fear of man and people pleasing. Thank You for granting me an undivided heart and teach me the fear of the Lord. Grant me a great desire to please You and to bring You glory in all things. Empower me to be a man fully devoted to You so that You may show Yourself strong on my behalf.

There is no one and nothing that infinitely comes close to comparing to You and what You did for me by sending Jesus. He is the Son of God who shared glory with You Father before the foundation of the world. It is absolutely mind blowing that He veiled His glory in human flesh and came into the world to bear our sin, die a substitutionary death in our place, and made provision for our sin to be atoned for and forgiven. You have taken my sins that were as red as scarlet and washed me whiter than snow. I am now holy and blameless in Your sight.

God, I am now able to enter into the most holy place - Your presence. And I do not have to beg or plead to come. You are the One who sits in unapproachable light and yet because of Your grace I can boldly come before Your throne. I now have an audience, a relationship, and the ear of the Sovereign King of the universe. May I be a man who partners with You in Your will and purpose through prayer. Guide me by Your Spirit. Make me a man of Your Word and prayer as I humbly submit the entirety of my life to You. You are the only One worthy and the only One needed.

Bring me to the place, like the Apostle Paul, that for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. That all I want is for Christ to be magnified in my body by life or death. May my greatest desire be to know Jesus. Make me a man who is focused on following Jesus wherever He leads me until the day I see Him face to face and hear Him say to me, "Well done you good and faithful servant." Help me to surrender all, holding nothing back from You. May I daily walk in intimate fellowship with You as I become more like Jesus, and partner with You in Your eternal purpose in the earth. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!