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God, Do Not Let Me Waste This Life! (Prayer Journal 191)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, in Jesus' name, help me to use the remaining years of life that You have given me to glorify Your name, build Your Kingdom, and do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to wisely and faithfully steward the time, talents, and treasures that You have entrusted to me to for Your glory to be revealed and Your purposes to be fulfilled. Please use me to bring the centrality of Jesus and His Kingdom agenda in the spaces and to the people that You send me to.

God, help me to fully avail myself to You. So that I may walk in the intimacy with You that You created and redeemed me for. You have given me access into Your presence at all times and You have placed Your Holy Spirit in me. Intensify my desire for You such that nothing or no one gets in the way of our love relationship: not my wife; not my kids; not my family; not work; not ministry; not money and materialistic things; not my feelings; not the lies and schemes of the evil one; not the thoughts and opinions of people; not the darkness and depravity of this fallen world; not disappointment nor discouragement; not worldly entertainment; not sensual fleshly pleasures; not anything at all. I am asking You to bring me to the place where You only have the preeminence, priority, and first place in everything.

I want my life to be lived out of the overflow of our intimate relationship. Show me everything that is getting in the way of that. Move me to confess and forsake my sin that I may receive Your mercy. Make me a pure and holy vessel that Your divine life can flow freely to, in, and through. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me throughout my life.

So many times, I have wanted to give up and shrink back in my pursuit of You and yet You continue to relentlessly pursue me. God, I often wonder why You chose me, knowing how often that I would resist You and Your will for me. I have complained, doubted, and grumbled too many times. You have kept me alive when there have been so many times that I could and should have died. This testifies to the truth of Your abundant mercies, Your amazing grace, and that You still have purpose for my life on earth.

Thank You for never cutting me off or diminishing Your love for me. You have loved me with and everlasting love. You demonstrated Your love for me in this that while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me. And if You loved me like that while I was Your enemy how much more do You love me as I am now reconciled to You as Your friend. Help me by the Spirit to put the deeds of this body to death that I may experience Your divine life in and through me in greater measure daily.

God, put an urgency in my mind and heart to do that which You placed me here to partner with You in. Do not let me waste this life that You have given me but to live it in all of its fullness. Guide me, in Your paths, as I walk with You in this great adventure of life. Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer and for doing great and mighty things that I know not. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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