God, in the midst of all that is going on in our nation and world, You are the Sovereign Lord seated on Your throne that is established in the heavens and You rule over all. You rule over all nations, rulers, powers, thrones, and authorities. You have all power and all authority in the heavens, on earth, and under the earth. You are the Almighty God, the One for whom nothing is too hard or impossible. Thankful that You are fulfilling Your plans and purpose in the earth in spite of the chaos, confusion, destruction, division, hatred, hostility, and uncertainty that our natural eyes see.
Give Your people Your eyes to see in the unseen invisible spiritual realm. Empower us by Your Spirit to be people who live by faith and not by sight. God, help us to better see and understand what is going on in this nation and our world from Your perspective. O God, help us to live for You only in these dark and turbulent days in which we find ourselves. Bring us to the place where we comprehend the utter futility of looking to anyone or anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ. May we be a people who walk worthy of Christ and His Kingdom, which is not of this world. God, use us to glorify Your great name as we pray and are used of You to bring Your Kingdom and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. May we truly be Your salt in the earth and Your lights in the world. Help us to no longer operate as secret service followers of Christ who hide our lights under a basket. But help us to shine in the strategic places where You have set us so that those around us may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.

Purify us through the fiery trials that we are walking through. Take away the dross and all that is in our lives that is not like You, from You, or of You Lord Jesus. God, bring us to repentance and revive us again. Bring us to the place where we love You with all that we are and all that we have. May we live these new lives that You've given us out of the overflow of an intimate union with You the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Make us a people who love what You love and hate and what You hate. Do not allow us to drift aimlessly in this world but to be intentional and purposeful in our pursuit of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God, please break the fear of man off of us and teach us to fear Your holy name alone. God, rid us from the desire to have man's applause and approval and bring us to the place where all we care about is pleasing You. God, in this hour, cause Your true Church to awaken and arise. Separate the wheat from the chaff as You manifest Your glory, power, and purity through Your people in such a manner that we will be clearly distinguishable from the world as well as those who falsely claim to follow Jesus.
Help us to see people as You see them and to have Your heart for them. Flood our hearts with Your love for those in the family of God and Your compassion for those who are lost, broken, hopeless, blind, captive, and spiritually dead. Cause the presence of Your Spirit and the light of the glorious gospel of Christ to shine upon us and through us for the salvation of multitudes in the United States and the nations of the world. Have Your way in the earth through the holy lives of Your people and their witness for Christ to speed forth the return of Christ and the full coming of God's Kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!