Father, I thank You that Your mercies are made new every morning. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, Your name is worthy to be praised. O God, I confess that I am anxious, distracted, and worried about many things but only one thing is needed - You. You are my portion that will never be taken from me. Everything else comes and goes. You and Your Kingdom are eternal.
God, show me how You desire to bring Your eternal Kingdom into the temporary realities of this world. Forgive me for allowing so many temporary things to overshadow and take precedence over You and Your Kingdom. In the short span of time that I have to live in this world, teach me to number my days and to apply my heart unto wisdom. Help me by the Spirit to wisely steward over all that You have entrusted to me and to do all that I do for Your glory.

This world has so much brokenness, chaos, confusion, decay, death, destruction, discord, division, hatred, hurt, hopelessness, lose, injustice, immorality, and inhumanity. Yet Lord I am so disengaged sitting on the sideline while day after day the enemy, like Goliath, shouts his defiance against You and Your holy people. Instead of being jealous for Your glory and having a zeal for the Lord my God, like David, I am more often than not just wanting some comfort in this world. I am often more concerned about making a name for myself rather than honoring and glorifying Your great name.
Jesus, bring me to the place of full surrender to You, my King, and total submission to Your will and purpose. I am not my own. I belong to You. You have purchased me with the precious blood that You shed. I am asking that You bring me to the place daily of living this life that You've given me for You and Your glory only. Help me to live out of the overflow of an intimate relationship with You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and bring me to the place where Christ is my only pursuit.
God, I recognize that neither the world nor the Church needs me. You only are needed and necessary, Lord Jesus. Your name is the only name given unto men under heaven by which men must be saved. There is salvation in no one else other than the name of Jesus. God, You do not need me but for some reason You want and have chosen me to be Yours and to partner with You in the coming of Your Kingdom.

God, do not let me sit on the sidelines in fear while people all around me are living without hope and without God. Do not allow me to stay quiet while the devil is stealing, killing, and destroying peoples lives. Jesus, You have all authority in heaven and on earth. You have given Your people Your authority to set people free from the captivity of satan and slavery to sin, to bring life to the spiritually dead, and light to those living in darkness. God, You have given us spiritual weapons to fight with. Grant us wisdom and empower us to use them.
Lord Jesus, in the midst of the darkness of this world cause Your light to shine brighter and brighter until the fullness of Your radiance and light shines at Your return. Jesus, those who belong to You are Your lights in this world. Purge and purify our hearts, produce a godly sorrow in our souls that leads us to repent and return to You with our whole hearts. As we do revive us again, O God! Grant us a greater knowledge and understanding of who You are and who we are in Christ. By the power of the Spirit, help us to walk worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have been entrusted and the Kingdom of God of which we are now citizens.

O God, do whatever You need to do to humble us more greatly before You where we truly recognize our desperate dependence and need for You in all things. And at the same time grant us great confidence because of Your promise to be with us always even to the end of the age. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!