Holy Father, in Jesus' name, You are good and Your mercy endures forevermore. This is true in the midst of the calamity and chaos of our world. Thankful for the good work that You've begun in Your children that You will fulfill on the day of Christ Jesus. We are so grateful for Your faithfulness and patience towards us. We are blown away by Your everlasting love for us that nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from.

God, how Your heart must be grieved when people You created in Your image and likeness are killed! Everyday the evil plans of the devil are unleashed towards humanity and through humanity against humanity. From the torture and killing of Ukrainian citizens by Russian soldiers, people shot and killed by a gunman in California, or the daily slaughter of tens of thousands of preborn babies in the United States and throughout the world. Sadly, the death of the latter is not recognized by many people because we have failed to see them as precious lives created in Your divine image from the moment of fertilization.
Father, there has been so much innocent blood shed in our world. Rightly so, we see and call out the human rights violations and war crimes of Russia for their torture and killing of civilians in their invasion of Ukraine. Yet here in the United States, we are blind to our human rights violations to the tune of 63 million preborn babies killed in our nation since Roe vs Wade legalized abortion in 1973. Would You open our eyes to see all human life created in Your image as equally valuable and worthy of dignity, honor, and protection, from the womb to the end of natural life? Stir up Your people to honor and glorify You, the Author of Life, by honoring the lives of all those created in Your image and likeness.

God, forgive us for being in agreement, being complicit, participating in, and being silent in the killing of innocent human lives. The ripple effects and the shock waves of these deaths has negatively affected our marriages, families, churches, communities, cities, states, nation, and world. We have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind. As our nation (U.S.) has turned further and further from You, our laws have led to the increase of immorality, injustice, and inhumanity as people live in blatant rebellion and sin on the road to destruction. God, wake us up from our drunken stupor, our apathy, complacency, and indifference. Lead Your people to repent, revive the Church of Jesus Christ, and bring a spiritual awakening that will cause life and light to freely flow in the areas of death and darkness. Jesus, thank you that you came into this world of darkness and death to bring light and life.

God, make us people who live out the reality of Micah 6:8 in the world. Do not let us, Your children, sit silently while evil, wickedness, and perversion abound in our nation and world. Fill our hearts with a righteous indignation and move us by Your Spirit to do something. Do not allow us to continue to live in this broken and fallen world with callous and uncaring hearts. Do whatever You must to bring us to the place where our hearts break with what breaks Yours. Break us free from everything that holds us back from freely and fully giving ourselves away to You that we may truly be Christ's ambassadors and Kingdom representatives in the world. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!