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God, Have Mercy On Us For The Shedding of Innocent Blood! (Prayer Journal 93)-

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, You are the King seated on Your throne in heaven and Your Kingdom rules over all. You rule over powers, principalities, rulers, authorities, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms. They are all subject to Your Sovereign authority. O God, I pray for a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit and manifestation of Your glory over the United States of America, specifically over Washington D.C. where our national leaders govern and live. In the mighty name of Jesus', the One who has all authority in heaven and earth, I bind the forces of spiritual darkness that are seeking to bring destruction to and through our leaders.

God, I ask that You would move the hearts of our nations leaders to put an end to the killing of innocent human life through abortion. Turn the hearts of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, every national, state, and local leader to you the Author of Life. Give them Your heart for every preborn baby who You are knitting together in their mothers wombs. May they use the authority that You have allowed them to have to protect the unalienable right to life for preborn babies rather than destroying their lives by the continuation of the unjust and inhumane legalization of abortion.

God, bring our leaders to the realization that they will have to one day give an account to You, the Ultimate Authority. In this hour loose prayers and the gospel of Jesus Christ through Your people to our leaders that will flow throughout our nation bringing life and light in the spaces of death and darkness. Help our leaders to see the innocent blood that we have shed in our nation and the wrath that we deserve for disregarding You, the Author of Life. Lead them to confess and repent of their personal and our national sins as they cry out to You for mercy.

God, You have established the institution of government and given it a role to protect human life that You've created. You have established the Church, composed of all those who have faith in Jesus, to give people new hearts and spiritual life from the dead through the good news of Jesus Christ which You have entrusted us to live and proclaim. In the midst of the debates regarding abortion use us to point people to Jesus. Grant us boldness, compassion, and wisdom as You use us mightily in this hour. Forgive many of us for our silence as preborn babies are killed by the thousands daily in our nation. Forgive many of us for our judgment of others when we too have been guilty in this shedding of innocent blood by our participation, complicity, agreement, and encouragement of others in the evil act of abortion. Awaken the Church from her slumber and cause us to arise as the light of Christ shines upon and through us exposing unrighteousness and showing people the way to righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ.

God, I pray for multitudes of women and men in the body of Christ who are hurting, living under clouds of condemnation, guilt, and shame that they would truly experience the forgiveness, grace, and healing of Christ for the sin and wound of abortion. I ask that You would use these individuals to take Jesus to the great multitudes in our nation and world who are experiencing deep brokenness and great trauma from the sin and wounds of abortion. Stir us by Your Spirit to come alongside women and men who find themselves in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy and use us to minister the love and care of Jesus to them for their physical and spiritual needs. In Jesus' name!!!

* Please know that there is forgiveness and healing in Jesus Christ for abortion. SaveOne would love the opportunity to help you walk a path to healing from your past trauma. Contact SaveOne today at


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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