Father, in Jesus' name, please help me to renounce worldly passions and lustful desires, confess and repent of sin, and return to You. You are infinitely superior to the people that You have made and the things that we can do. Then why is it that the exploits and opinions of people intrigue me more than You? For You are the One whose greatness no one can fathom. There is too much time that I waste with worldly entertainment and social media that could have been spent with You in Your Word, with my wife and kids, with brothers and sisters in Christ, and sharing Jesus with those outside of Your Kingdom.

God, I have compromised my convictions and sinned against You too many times. This has me thinking of Samson. He failed to keep his Nazarite vows while lusting after foreign women, who worshiped false gods, from a pagan nation that oppressed his people. Your Spirit would rush upon Samson to empower him to defeat the Philistines until he told Delilah the secret of his great strength. Yet, unlike me and my brothers and sisters in Christ, Samson did not have the indwelling presence of Your Holy Spirit living in him.

Sadly, I live too often as if I cannot help but to give into the lusts of my flesh and sin. That is simply not true for You have given me Your Holy Spirit to put the deeds of my flesh to death as I yield to Him. Forgive me for taking breaks on You. Forgive me for giving You parts of my life and not all of it when You gave Your Son Jesus. He lived a perfect life of obedience to You, died for my sin (the sins of the world), and was raised so that I could be made right with You through faith in His name. His shed blood purchased me for You. I now belong to You and my body is a temple of Your Holy Spirt. My life is Yours!

Bring me to the place where I love You more than the world and the things of the world. Give me the desire to live for You more than doing what I want to and living an easy and comfortable life that I think that I can manage without You. Teach me how to truly rejoice in afflictions, sufferings, and trials because of Christ. For You use them to help me know Him better and be more like Him. And there is nothing in this world that infinitely comes close to comparing to that. Do not let me trade the eternal riches of Christ for temporary fleeting pleasures that will pass away with the fading of time into eternity. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!