Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for not letting me forget that I need You. For if I were ever able to forget that then that is the day that I should die. You gave me life. You are my life and apart from You I can do nothing. You do not just prop me up, I am because of You, the Great I AM! You chose me to be Yours in Christ before the foundation of the world. Not only have You chosen me, but You love me with an everlasting love and want me to experience eternal pleasures at Your right hand. I belong to You and You have sealed me with Your Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. I am in Your hands, and You will never ever let me go.

Why are You so committed to me when my love for You waxes cold and wavers? You do not need anyone or anything, including me. You are the self-sufficient One. Everything that You need You are. I desperately need You and yet I have the audacity of living many moments of my life as if I am good without You. I can be found at times, acting as if what I need a break and rest from is You. That is absolutely foolish because there is no rest for the weary apart from You. Forgive me for all of the times that I have treated You as if You are common and ordinary when You are the Holy One, the One and only true and living God. What is absolutely mind blowing is that because of Jesus, I now know You as Father and have eternal life.

You have not given me life from the dead to live some of it for You and most of it however I please. I am Your servant, a steward who is called to be faithful with what You have entrusted to me. Everything that I am and have is Yours, not mine. It is all to be used for the glory of Your name, the building of Your Kingdom, and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. I will have to give an account to You on how I have lived this life with all that You have given to me. There is a day coming when I must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Help me to live in reverential awe and fear of You as I live in the reality of Your presence and Your coming Kingdom.

God do not let me be influenced by the opinions of others or my own desires and thoughts. Cause me to be moved by Your Spirit and Word down the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. I do not know what to do but my eyes are upon You. Do not let me miss what You have for me. Give me the courage and faith to do whatever You want even when it does not make sense. For Your ways and thoughts are higher than ours as the heavens are higher than the earth. I default toward what is comfortable and easy. Help me to follow You. Give me the desire to please You and do Your will above all else. You are able to help me do this for there is nothing too hard or impossible for You. Thank You for hearing this prayer and for doing exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask of imagine according to You great power that is at work in me. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!