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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God Help Me to Worship You Only! (Prayer Journal 203)

Father, in Jesus' name, I have allowed so many things today to distract me from You and keep me from walking in intimate fellowship with You. God, there is no one or nothing that I need but You. So why do I keep looking to and running to other things? You are the source of my very existence and life. You are my Creator and Redeemer, and I belong to You. Help me to fully and freely give myself to You withholding nothing. You have every right to be jealous for me. How crazy is it that I should want anyone or anything else but You? For there is no one like You and no one who has done for me, for humanity, what You have done.

Our disobedience, rebellion, and sin caused us, the human race, to fall from the place of intimacy and authority that You created us for. Thank you for sending Jesus into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. To make intimacy with You and authority over creation available to a people who believe in His name. This was Your plan from before the beginning that You never changed Your mind about. Thank You for making it possible for those of us redeemed by the blood of Jesus to experience Your presence now in this fallen world by the indwelling Holy Spirit. We long for the day when we will experience the fullness of Your joy in Your presence in new heavens, on a new earth, in new bodies.

God bring me to the place where I desire You more than anyone or anything else. You are the source of my strength and the strength of my life. I am nothing without You and cannot do anything apart from You. Do not let anything hinder me from walking in intimate fellowship with You. Show me my sins and the idols that I have bowed my heart to. Move me to confess and repent of my sins and to renounce all idols. As I do revive me again. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to overflowing measure that people encounter Jesus through my life and lips.

Bring me to the place where I hate sin and mourn over it, beginning in my life. Make me a man who loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Help me to live a holy life for You, the Lord my God, are holy. For without holiness no one shall see God. Thank You for demonstrating Your love for me (us) in this that while I was yet a sinner Jesus Christ died for me. Amen!!!

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