Father, why in the world did You choose me in Christ before the foundation of the world and adopt me into Your royal family? You have loved me with an everlasting love. In response, I have often treated You like there are many things as great or greater than You. I do not deserve Your love, to have life, to breath Your air, to walk on Your earth, nor have an eternal dwelling in heaven that Jesus is preparing for me to be with You.

God, daily I trample the blood of Jesus treating it like a trivial, light, meaningless sacrifice. You literally gave Yourself for me and I withhold myself from You. I am becoming sick as I think these thoughts. Perhaps I am getting a tinge of what Your heart feels because the lukewarm are spit out of Your mouth. I am so sorry for willfully breaking Your heart daily by my intentional sins. The truth is that I cannot stop without Your help.

Please forgive me for my sin and cleanse me from unrighteousness. Fill me afresh and to overflowing measure with Your Holy Spirit. Help me by the Spirit to put the deeds of my sinful flesh to death. Do not let me chase after or obtain anything in this world that would cause me to drift away from You.
Everything that this world has to offer is nothing and seems pointless compared with knowing Christ. As the song goes, ' You can have all this world. Just give me Jesus!' Truly bring me to the place where it is well with my soul if You are all that I have. If you did nothing else other than give me Jesus, then You have done all that I need for this life and for the rest of eternity.

Bring me to the place where I love You above all others and everything else. For You have no competitors, equals, or rivals to Your throne. For who is like You Lord? Nobody! Bring me to the place where I love what You love and hate what You hate. Make me a man who loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Cause my heart to break as sin breaks Yours beginning in my own life.

I have broken Your commands and lived outside of the love relationship that You created me for. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to live out Your commands in a human body and to pay the penalty, death, for my failure to do so. I know that I am not worthy of You, to know You or make You known. Yet You have made me worthy through faith in Your Son Jesus which is a gift of Your grace. Help me in sincerity and truth to confess and repent of my sin and to willingly accept Your loving discipline for it. I am so thankful that in Your wrath that You remember mercy.

You have brought me into a love relationship with You. Help me to daily experience Your love and presence as I live a life pleasing to You in obedience to Your commands as I yield to the Holy Spirit. I want to live for You which is evidence of Your Spirit's work in me. But I cannot apart from abiding in You and Your Word abiding in me. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Help me to stop trying to live for You in the strength of my flesh. For to do so is utterly impossible. Bring me to complete surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. I consecrate myself to You by fasting. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!