Father, in Jesus' name, You are the King of the Universe, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the One who has no rivals or equals. You are unique, distinct, completely separate from all that You've made and infinitely superior to everything that You've made. Nothing and no one comes infinitely close to comparing to who You are. You alone are God and You are God alone!

God, You do not need anyone to defend You, protect You, or to uphold Your reputation. You are not shocked, taken aback, or offended when someone denies or rejects You. You are not quick to exact Your wrath on those who disobey You for even in Your wrath You remember mercy. For You so loved the world that You gave Your One and only Son, Jesus, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. You did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. By Your Spirit use those of us who have believed in Jesus to bear witness for Him to those who do not know You.
Jesus, help us to be mindful that as we represent You in this world and speak Your words that we will be persecuted and hated. Help us to remember that if they receive us and our message then they receive You the One who sent us and if they reject us then they reject You. Do not let us take offense when people disagree with us and reject the good news of who You are and what You have done. Give us Your heart of mercy for them which longs for them to know Your grace and truth so that they can experience forgiveness, freedom, and salvation.

God, empower us by Your Spirit to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us, to pray for those who despise and persecute us, and do good to who do evil to us and oppose You. Do not let us be a people who want to win arguments and debates but to lift up the name of Jesus, by faithfully proclaiming the gospel, even if in the process we look foolish and weak. For it was through the death of Jesus in His human weakness on the cross that You were reconciling the world to Yourself. Our preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but the power of God to those who are being saved.

God, we pray for the multitudes around us who do not know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Send Your holy presence to them and take out their stony hearts and grant them hearts of flesh. By You Spirit bring conviction to them of their guilt concerning sin, righteousness, and judgement. Convince them of their need for Your salvation and of Your great love that You demonstrated towards us in this that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Draw them to Jesus and save them. Anoint and use us to plant and water the seed of Your Word into their hearts as You cause these seeds to grow. Send us to them to open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and a place among those set apart through faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus, empower and show each of us what You'd have us to do and say. Help us to move forward in faith and not to shrink back in fear. Break us from caring so much about what others think and bring us to the place where all we want is to please You in all things. Minister to us, capture our hearts afresh, and cause our hearts to overflow with desire, love, and passion for You. Forgive us for often wanting to be known and popular more than and instead of lifting up the name of Jesus and giving You glory in all things. Bring us back to the heart of worship where it is truly all about You, Jesus. Thanks You for being so kind, loving, and patient towards us. We love You Jesus and it is Your name we pray. Amen!!!
Brother David thank you so much for your heartfelt prayer to our King the Father of all nations and for all generations. I am using these prayers to pray back to God, adding my own emphasis of course, but thank you for the template of love to share to our Father. Earl