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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Embracing Desperate Need for God in Jesus! (Prayer Journal 205)

Father, we, Your beloved children through faith in Jesus Christ, need You to minister to us. We do not exist nor have life without You and can do nothing apart from You. We are because You are the I Am Who I Am. You are our Creator, Life, Sustainer, and Redeemer. We are of infinite worth because You created us in Your image and likeness and redeemed us by the precious blood of Your Son Jesus.

Thank You for sending Jesus, who You shared glory with before the foundation of the world, into the world. He is the image of the invisible God who came in the image of sinful humanity. He was tempted in every manner such as us, yet He never sinned. Thus, He is able to help us when we are tempted. Through His death He destroyed the one who held the power of death (the devil) as He was raised to life again forever. He is now seated at Your right hand. You have brought life and immortality to light for all who trust in Him.

Thank You for the forgiveness of sins through the death of Jesus on the cross and new life given by His resurrection. By His blood You have purchased a people for Yourself from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue at a high price. We now belong to You, and we are Your holy temple on the earth. In light of Your mercies to us help us to give ourselves to You without compromise, hesitation, and reservation.

We are so glad that You do not demand perfection from us for none would be able to stand before Your holy presence. Thank You for Your mercy, grace, love, and patience towards us. Help us to yield more and more to Your Holy Spirit as You are perfecting us. You are so awesome that people see their need for You even through our lives. Your holiness and love are beyond our ability to comprehend.

Forgive us for not wanting to need You as desperately as we do. Forgive us for taking credit for things that Your Spirit is producing in and through our lives for Your glory. Forgive us for thinking that we need more than what You have provided to us. For You alone are more than enough, everything that we have ever needed, need now, and will ever need. Help us to bring our insecurities and weaknesses to You that You may be our stability and strength.

Father, help us to see ourselves as You see us in Christ. Our identity has nothing to do with our former life of sin, our performance, our thoughts of ourselves, or how we compare with others. It has everything to do with Jesus. Bring us to the place where we do not care what others think about us, so we do not fear them or live to please them. May we be a people who fear the Lord and live to please You and bring Your glory in everything.

In Christ we are Your dearly loved children, approved and accepted by You. You have loved us with an everlasting love that You will never separate us from. Help us to live out of the overflow of our intimate fellowship with You. Help us to not shrink back from living for You because of fear but to live by faith. Help us to daily surrender to the Lordship of Jesus over our lives. Breakthrough in our hearts and souls as You breakout of our lives. Move us from duty to pure devotion to You. May the overflow of our intimacy with You spill out of our lives and onto those who You have placed around us and send us to as we represent Jesus in this world. Amen!!!

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