Holy Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for access into Your presence and for giving me a heart and mind daily to spend time with You in Your Word. God, bring me to the place where there is no one and nothing that I desire even remotely close to the way that I desire You. Jesus, mold my heart as You make me a man who loves Your presence and desires nothing more than to abide in You as Your Word abides in me. Your presence is like heaven to me. May I be like an unclothed man in a public place without Your manifest presence. Help me to love Your Word and value it more than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

Jesus, I am Your bond-servant, captive, and beloved. May this be my every response to You: 'Let it be done unto me according to Your Word.' Bring me to the place of such great surrender to You that my 'Yes' is on the altar before You even open my ears to hear Your call. For my 'Yes' is to You so it does not really matter whether I like, find agreeable, or want to do what You've called me to do. The bottom line is You are my Master, who wants only good for me, and I am Your slave.
Jesus, You have purchased me from the slave market of sin and captivity of satan at a high price by Your blood shed for me on the cross. I am not my own. I belong to You. You have clothed me with Your righteous robe and indwelt me with Your Holy Spirit. You are not only with me, You live in me. You have brought me out of darkness into the marvelous light of God's presence. You have caused me to pass from death to life and forgiven me of all of my sins. You have gone away to prepare a place for me that where You are I shall be there as well. You have made death a portal for life more glorious that I can even imagine. One day You'll give me a new body in a new heavens and earth and all of Your people will be fully in Your presence for the rest of forever in worship and service of You the King of kings.

God, no one come infinitely close to comparing to who You are and what You have done for me. You have been better to me than anyone could ever be. There is nothing better than You and no one even remotely worthy of me giving my life to but You. It is amazing to think that though I am Your slave that I am also Your son. You never force me to do Your will grudgingly. You invite me to yield myself to You, as a response to Your love for me, to serve Your will and purpose with great joy. So in light of these truths once again I say 'Yes' empower me to give myself completely to You today. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!
As you say 'Yes' today listen to this song: