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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

God, May Our Lives Cause the Next Generation to Desire You Above All Else! (Prayer Journal 197)

God, what are the things that You have taught me that You want me to pass along to the next generation? In my life, relationships have been an idol that has kept me and distracted me from You. By Your Spirit, You are helping me to grow in You having the preeminence, priority, and first place only in my life. You are also teaching me to honor You in my relationships with others. Though I know that I do not live this out perfectly at all times.

I pray for those who think that a relationship with a person on earth will remove disgrace, loneliness, shame, and bring satisfaction to their hearts. May You bring them to the realization that only a relationship with You through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can do that. To those who are hurting and broken from the fallout of ungodly relationships, I ask that You heal their hurts and bind their wounds. Let them know that their past does not disqualify them from experiencing an intimate relationship with You and even a godly relationship with another in which they can experience Your love.

Stir a generation that has little to no idea of what godly relationships are to desire You above all else and to honor You in their relationships. I ask that You bring strong conviction to those living in sexual immorality and sexual deviance which are contrary to Your Word and nature. Have mercy on them and lead them to confess and forsake their sins that they may receive Your mercy.

Give me Your heart for the next generation and use me to teach them about Your jealous love for them. May they no longer accept any cheap substitutes as a replacement for the genuine love that You want them to experience from You in Jesus Christ. Help them to walk in intimate fellowship with You. That they may know that they are loved, accepted, complete, rooted, and grounded in their new life and identity in Him.

Help those in the next generation who know You to walk in sexual purity in an oversexualized culture. For those who Your will is to be married may they give themselves to You to prepare them for marriage Your way. Marriages that will show forth to others the reality of who You are, Christ's love for the Church, and the Church's reverence and submission to Christ. In their youth help them to not be preoccupied with marriage or singleness but with Christ. For no matter the stage of life Christ is always the goal: to serve Him, to love Him, to show forth the reality of who He is, and to share Him with others.

I pray that the evil one will no longer be able to distract those who know Christ with the idol of relationships. May they walk intimately with You and be used powerfully by You. May their priority be to seek You and find You as they search for You with all of their hearts. Bring them to the place where they have a confidence that You will not let them miss anything that You have for them to do Your will and bring You glory as they prioritize You in their lives. I pray that You'd anoint and use me to unapologetically speak Jesus to this area that is derailing so many from truly walking with You.

Cause the idols of relationship, like salt water, to be shown for what they really are. They make people thirstier for more while dehydrating them. Move upon this next generation to tear down the altars on which they have offered themselves to these idols that have robbed their lives. Stir their hearts to rebuild altars to You, the One and only true and living God, upon which they offer themselves fully to You as living sacrifices which is their spiritual act of worship. In Jesus' name!

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