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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Finding Help and Hope in God! (Prayer Journal 204)

Father, You are the Sovereign seated on Your exalted throne in heaven and Your Kingdom rules over all. Your Kingdom is everlasting, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. You are the One who sits enthroned in heaven and yet You dwell with those who have humble spirits and contrite hearts evidenced by their faith in Your Son Jesus. We do not know what to do so help us, like King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah, to set our eyes upon You.

When we look with our natural eyes, our circumstances are overwhelming. It looks like the enemy is winning and has us surrounded on every side. Open our spiritual eyes to see that there are more for us than the enemy has against us. There is no one greater, mightier, and stronger than You. Thank You that Your presence accompanies Your people. Because of this reality, we do not have to be terrified, dismayed nor discouraged. We can be strong and courageous because You are with us.

Teach us to be still and to know that You are God. You are the Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep of Your pasture. Your sheep know Your voice. Speak to us Lord and lead us down the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. We need You! We need to hear from You. Drain the love of the world from our hearts and fill our hearts to overflowing measure with Your love.

Bring us to the place where the only thing that we truly want is Jesus, not positions and titles, not organizations and companies, and not influence and wealth. Help us to always be cognizant that we are children of God who are loved and delighted in by our Father. May we also always remember that no matter who we are around or where we are that we are Christ's ambassadors. Help us not to live for this present world which is fading away but for Your Kingdom that endures forever. Forgive us for all the days and moments that we have failed to live out these realities, living far below our birthright and citizenship.

O God may we be holy vessels that You can fill with Your Holy Spirit beyond measure. Loose us, untie us, and ride us to carry Jesus to people in the places and spaces where You have and send us. We are not our own. We belong to You. We are Your bondservants. Let everything be done in our lives according to Your Word and Your will. Spark the flames of revival in us and cause them to burn with greater intensity each and every day. Use us to bring about a great spiritual awakening throughout the nations that will lead to vast multitudes coming into Your eternal Kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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