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God, Raise Up Your Remnant In This Perverted World (Prayer Journal 35)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I praise You for Sovereignty. You are in absolute control even in the midst of the chaos in our nation and world that my eyes see and my ears hear. You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the One who spoke the universe into existence and who holds all things together by the word of Your power. Your word that goes forth from Your mouth shall not return to You empty, it shall accomplish all that You please and prosper in the place to where it is sent. You are the One who ordains the end from the beginning. I humble myself before Your majestic presence and acknowledge my desperate need for You.

God, all this is true of You, and infinitely more, yet I often find myself distracted and drifting from You by things that are infinitely inferior to You. I know that I belong to You but at times, if I am honest, I feel lost, incompetent, and inadequate. I feel like such a failure at loving You, honoring You, following Jesus, loving my bride, bringing my children up in the fear and instruction of the Lord, loving my brothers and sisters in Christ, having a heart of compassion and bearing witness to Jesus to those who do not know Him. This world is so wicked, dark, hateful, hostile, divided, and broken. There is so much pain, so much hurt, and so much deception.

God, I feel so helpless to do anything but watch as the world becomes more crooked and depraved. This world and everyone in it desperately needs Jesus. Like Elijah, when the worship of baal was running rampant in Israel, I can often feel like I am the only one really living for You. Yet when You don't do what I expect I just want to run away and die (1 Kings 19).

What can I do in the midst of a culture and nation where sexual immorality is expected of our sons and daughters, the killing of preborn children is an acceptable response to an unplanned pregnancy, homosexuality is seen as a normal and acceptable behavior and lifestyle, and a same sex marriage with adopted children is an alternative family? Just as You were in Elijah's day, You are at work in ways that I do not expect and there is a remnant of people who are living holy and godly lives in this perverted world.

O God, I do not know what to pray. I am in need of Your Holy Spirit to strengthen me and make intercession through me that is in alignment with Your will and purpose. God, would You make me a holy vessel in Your hands that You can glorify Your name in the earth? Shut me away so that I can hear from You and be prepared for the work that You've called me to. Do not let me be concerned with the waiting but on You, the God who is present with me and active even when I do not discern and detect Your activity. As I wait upon You, Lord, would You strengthen my heart. Bring me to the place where my heart is fully committed to You so that Your eyes find me and You show Yourself strong on my behalf.

Jesus, You are the Savior of the world and You have already done all that is necessary to reconcile all things in heaven and on earth by the blood of the cross. Thank You for involving us as You have given to us the ministry of reconciliation and entrusted to us the message of reconciliation. O God, awaken Your people from our sleep and drunken stupor from the intoxication of this world. May we be sober and vigilant knowing that our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour. Help us to resist him being strong in the faith knowing that our brothers and sisters throughout the world are suffering greatly from persecution.

O God, cause us Your people who are called by Your name to humble ourselves before You and pray, to seek Your face, to turn from our wicked ways, so that You can hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. God, make the divine connections among the members of the body of Christ that will cause the body to be built up and function as You have called us to in the earth for the glory of Your name, the building of Your Kingdom, and the doing of Your will on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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