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God, Remind Us That Nothing Is Imposible for You and That You Are in Control! (Prayer Journal 142)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, in Jesus' name, here I am again grateful to be Your child, to know Your love, and to be in Your holy presence. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for my sin. Thank You for His shed blood which grants me forgiveness and fellowship with You. Thank You that You made He (Jesus) who knew no sin to be made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God through faith in Him. How awesome and incredible it is to know You and to have eternal life. In light of who You are and what You've done may my heart be fully Yours. Cause me to desire You more than anything else.

God, You are all that I and others need. That is why it really does not matter who we are and what we are able to do. The only thing that truly matters is who You are and what You can do. And what amazes me is that You can even do the impossible to, in, and through our lives. You are Almighty God and there is absolutely nothing too hard or impossible for You. Jesus, You said, "All things are possible for one who believes." I believe Lord, help my unbelief. Help me to live out of the overflow of an intimate relationship with You, to walk by faith and not by sight. For just as I came to Jesus, help me to continue to live in Him.

Lord, remind me of the heights from which I have fallen from, move me to repent of my sin, and lead me to return to You my first love with all of my heart. May You only have the preeminence, priority, and first place in my life. Help me to renounce every idol and false god and to give myself to You, the One and only true and living God. You are God alone and besides You there is no other.

God, I know that I am far from being a person known for their great knowledge. Yet I do know that the philosophical arguments and wisdom of people will not change the hearts of people or save their unregenerate souls. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can do that! Anoint me to take Jesus to all the people that You send me to. Give me the boldness, compassion, and wisdom to do that on every occasion. Use me to build up, encourage, exhort, and strengthen the body of Christ. Use me to lead those outside of Your Kingdom to Jesus and warn those who reject Jesus of the judgement that is to come.

God, I confess that I know so little but that You know everything. Anything that You want me to know You can download to me at any time by the Holy Spirit. Do not ever let me use this truth as an excuse to be lazy in my pursuit of You and the knowledge of You that comes from the study of Your Word. Show me those things that You have called me to in this season. Stir me by Your Spirit to pray things that only You can do and to avail myself to partner with You in those things.

God, help me to truly believe, not just in my head but in my heart, that You are the Sovereign in the midst of the chaos, confusion, darkness, death, hopelessness, and uncertainty in this world. You have a plan and purpose and You are fulfilling it regardless of what my eyes see and my mind thinks. You are God and there is none like You. You have ordained the end from the beginning. Your counsel will stand and You will do all of Your pleasure. Nothing or no one will thwart Your will and purpose from coming to pass.

God, forgive me for the many times that I look out at the world and doubt You. I often doubt that You are at work in the world and that You will work through Your people to have Kingdom impact in our homes and neighborhoods let alone the nations of the world. Lead me to repent of this sinful attitude. Help me to have genuine faith in You. Make me a man who diligently seeks You with my whole heart and finds You. Bring me to the place where Jesus is my greatest and only treasure. Thank You that You are daily working in me and your people to make us more like Jesus as You use us to take Him to others. Amen!!!

1 Comment

Earl Mauldin
Earl Mauldin
Apr 22, 2023

David I thank the Lord for you and allowing our paths to be connected through eternity. I pray and read your prayers occasionally and today I wondered if the Lord was alright with me praying what you have prayed, although personalized for me, back to Him.

Just wanted you to know I agree fully with your heart on all righteous matters!

Earl Mauldin


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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