Holy Father, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I humbly and yet boldly come before your glorious presence to give You praise. For You are great and greatly to be praised. Your greatness no one can fathom. You are the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Your throne is established in the heavens and Your Kingdom rules over all. Even in the midst of chaos, confusion, death, and uncertainty, You are in control. You are the One who has ordained the end from the beginning. And You are using all that is happening in the world to glorify Your name and bring the Kingdom of God more fully in this world. Each and every moment that passes brings us nearer to the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the earth with great power and glory for the final judgment and the renewal of all things.
Help us, Your people, to lift up our eyes and be ready as that draws near. Shake us from our apathy, complacency, and indifference and stir up our hearts for you above all else. Drain the love of the world and the things of the world from our hearts and fill our hearts in overflowing measure with Your love. God, remind us in these difficult days that You are the only hope and salvation that we have in this world, now and for the rest of forever. God, forgive us for the way that we want You to prove Your love to us daily by making our lives the way that we want them to be. You have already shown Your love to us in the most mind-blowing way, for when we were yet sinners, You sent Jesus into the world to die for us. And through His death and resurrection from the dead, You have given new life to all who trust Christ. Hallelujah!
God, You do not owe us anything. In light of who You are and what You've done for us, we owe You our lives. We are not our own. We belong to You for You have purchased us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and made our bodies the dwelling place for Your Holy Spirit. In the midst of this global pandemic of COVID - 19, You are not just far off seated on Your throne in heaven. You are with us and live in us! You have promised to never leave us nor to forsake us, that You would be with us always, Lord Jesus, even to the end of this present world. Thus we have nothing to fear - not even death...

So Father move us by Your Spirit to draw near to You as You draw near to us. Make our greatest desire be to walk in intimate fellowship with You, the triune God, and one another. May all that we do and say be an overflow of the growing, intimate, and vibrant relationship that we have with You. May Your presence in and upon our lives cause doubt, fear, unbelief, and worry to go from our lives. May Your unfailing, unconditional, and eternal love for us give us great confidence in a world of uncertainty.
God, would you fill our hearts with Your compassion for those who do not know Christ and would You grant us wisdom, boldness, and an urgency to take Jesus to them? Help people to see the greatest threat to our world is not the coronavirus and the effects that it is having on peoples health and lives, the healthcare system, the economy, as it leaves our world leaders at their wits end. But that the greatest threat to this world is sin, which leads to eternal death and separation from You.
O God, help people who do not know Christ to recognize the futility of life apart from You and how all the things that they look to can not help them, protect them, save them, provide for them, or give them hope. Help them to see Your love for the world that You showed by sending Jesus into the world to die for the sins of the world. Convince them of their desperate need for Jesus. Prepare the hearts of great multitudes for an encounter with Jesus Christ. For the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. So we ask You, Lord Jesus, to send laborers into Your harvest fields. And as we pray prepare us to be the answer to this prayer. For here we are Lord send us!
O God have mercy on people throughout the world who are living in fear, with no hope and without You in this world and that You'd draw great multitudes to Your Son Jesus. God, would You bring an end to this plague in a supernatural way that we know that it was You - not doctors or medical science. Bring supernatural healing to those who are sick and minister life, joy, and salvation to those who have lost loved ones as only You can. For You, Lord Jesus, are the Resurrection and the Life. Revive the Church of Jesus Christ and bring another great awakening that causes a shaking in every nation, people group, tribe, and tongue for the glory of Your great name. In Jesus' name. Amen!