Holy Father, in Jesus' name, once again I thank You for Your faithfulness and patience to me yet another day. You are my King, my Lord, my God, and my friend. I do not know why You continually show me so much favor and kindness. I waste so many minutes and hours a day distracted by social media and sports and indulging my body with food and drink trying to find some sense of comfort and satisfaction in this fallen world. If I am honest I so want You to give me my best life now rather than seeking Your face and living with an eternal perspective.

Father, take my heart in Your hand, turn it away from sin, idols, and false gods, and help me to more fully surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. God, cause my heart to be grieved over my recurring and willful sins. Produce a godly sorrow in my soul over my sin that leads me to genuine repentance. Show me my hidden faults that are known and seen by You. Bring conviction to me by Your Holy Spirit and lead me to confess my sins. Do not let me hide and hold onto that which leads to death and keeps me from experiencing intimate fellowship with You and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to humble myself before You so that in due time You may lift me up to lift up the name of Jesus.
God, far too often my flesh is wanting the glory and praise that is only and rightfully Yours. I confess that I care too much of what others say and think of me often way more than I care what You say and think of me. Break off of me the fear of man, the desire to please man, and the need for the approval and validation of man. Help me to live out of the undivided heart that You've given me in Christ and teach me to fear Your holy name. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Rid me of arrogance, pride, and selfish ambition. Bring me to the place where my sole ambition and motivation is to please You and bring You glory in all things. May I live this life out of the new identity that I have in Jesus Christ as one who is approved and accepted by You
God, do not let me jockey for position by self-promotion but to wait upon You to promote me to Your place, for Your purpose, in Your time, for Your glory, and the building of Your Kingdom. Give me Your burden and heart and may all that I do flow out of an intimate relationship with You. Bring me to the place where I love what You love, hate what You hate, and my heart breaks with what breaks Yours. Show me the part that You have for me in Your will and grant me grace and wisdom to walk in it. I am so tired of sitting on the sidelines critiquing what is going on in the world when You've called me to engage this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ with my eyes fixed on Him.

Jesus, You are the Lord of the harvest. The harvest is indeed plentiful and the workers are few. I ask that You would send workers into Your harvest. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and use me to take Your holy presence and the good news of Your Kingdom to my neighbors and those in positions of authority. I am asking You to help me truly yield to the Holy Spirit as You use me to represent You without compromise, hesitation, and reservation wherever and to whoever You send me. Show me what You want me to do and give me a soft and tender heart to trust and obey You. In Your name I pray. Amen!!!