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God Show Me What You Want Me to Do! (Prayer Journal 193)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, I do not know what to do and I need You more desperately than I know. Help me to truly realize that You do not need me or need me to do anything on Your behalf. You do not need me to defend Your reputation or to represent You in the world. Neither do You need anything from me or anyone else. You are the self-sufficient One, everything that You need You are.

I want direction, a strategic plan, and vision for my life, marriage, family, work, and ministry because I want to look like I know what I am doing. And sadly, if I am honest, I do not want to need You as much as I do. What is mind blowing is that You want me for a relationship and to partner with You in Your purpose. Though You do not need me at all, I need You desperately while I often try to live independently from You (to my detriment).

Teach me to be still and know that You are God. Help me not to move anywhere or to do anything except at Your Word. Is there something that You want me to do, not because You need me, so that You can show forth the reality of the resurrected life of Jesus Christ in me? Is there a step of faith that You would have me to take to show that I believe Your Word above all others?

Impress it upon my heart what You would have for me to do. I am so tired of doing what I think, or feel is best. This leaves me tired, weary, overwhelmed, and worn out. Bring me to the place where I desire to do Your will and bring You glory in everything by the power of Your indwelling Spirit. Only You are able to bring to pass those things that You lay on my heart to partner with You in.

You do not need my advice help, counsel, resources, strength, or anything else that I possess. For what do I have that You have not given to me? Above everything else, help me to love You and walk in intimate fellowship with You. As a result, may all that I think, say, and do flow out of the overflow of Your presence, power, and love in my life.

God make me a pure and holy vessel consecrated unto You so that You can use me to impart faith in Jesus to others by the Holy Spirit. I need You to help me to worship You, to love my bride, to not frustrate my children as I bring them up in the fear and instruction of the Lord, to minister to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and to preach the good news of Jesus to those who do not know Him. Thank You for beginning a work in me that You will bring to completion on the day that Jesus Christ returns for His bride, the Church. Help me to continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling for it is You who works in me to will and to do of Your good pleasure. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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