Father, in Jesus' name, I thank and praise You for Your goodness, grace, love, mercy, patience, and truth to me. I have been evil and wicked, at times, in response to Your great, incredible, and unfailing love towards me. Far too often I give in to the lusts and desires of my flesh as I bow down to my appetites and worship them as if they were my 'gods'. I know that Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil. Why then do you tolerate such foolish idolatry from me?

To my natural mind it makes absolutely no sense as to why You do not give up on me and let me go. What kind of love is this? Why have You chosen to love me with an everlasting love that nothing in all creation will be able to ever separate me from? I keep drifting and yet You keep pursuing me. Slow walk me down as You bring me to full surrender to You. I often get tired and let go. I am so grateful that You never get tired and weary, and You will never let me go.

I so want my life to resolve around Jesus no matter what is happening or how I perceive things are going. For I know that I only see in a glass darkly and that there are many things that are beyond my ability to understand. Yet You see everything with perfect clarity as it all, including my heart, is laid bare before You. I know so very little of what You are doing in my life or how You desire to use me to partner with You in glorifying Your name and building Your Kingdom. So, help me to hear Your voice and walk in Your way as You lead me by Your Spirit and Your Word.

God, my life is not my own. You purchased me by the precious blood of Jesus, and I now belong to You. Help me to daily give myself to You. Do not let me get ahead of You nor lag behind You. Do not let me get caught up on the earthly status of people and their advice, demands, and opportunities for what I could do with my life. Bring me to the place where Your voice and Words have precedence over all others. For You alone are God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth and the Savior of the world. Men at their absolute best are created by You in Your image and in need of Your salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, regardless of whether that acknowledge or recognize this truth.

Help me to take time to recharge, refuel, refresh, renew, and be revived by spending time alone with You in Your Word and in prayer. At the end of the day, I do not need better relationships with my family and friends, a role that I am excited about, more money, the accolades and applause of people, and more influence in this world. Lord, I need You! I need intimate fellowship with You that overwhelms me and overflows out of me. Help me to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness so that everything that I need to do Your will and bring You glory is added unto me. In Jesus; name, Amen!!!