Holy Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for giving us a heart, mind, and motivation to get alone with You. Help us to be still and quiet our souls before Your holy presence. You are God in heaven and we are here on earth so let our words be few.

God, the words that we speak to You daily are nothing compared to Your Word that You have given to us. You know what we are going to say before we say it. You do not need our words but we need Yours to live. Jesus, You only have the words of eternal life. Your Words cause the dead to live again, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the sick to be healed, demons to flee, the captive to be set free, the wounded to be made whole, and the lost to be found.
Jesus, soften our hearts and make our hearts fertile soil to receive Your Word. Write Your Word in overflowing measure upon our hearts. Stir us up by Your Holy Spirit to respond to Your Word in faith and in obedience. May Your Word renew our minds even more as You transform us, making us more like Jesus, and use us to show that Your will is good, pleasing, and acceptable. Open up our minds to understand Your Word as never before. Open up our ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in this hour. Open our eyes to see You and to notice Your activity in our lives, marriages, families, local churches, neighborhoods, cities, states, nations, and world.

God, we ask You to minister Your Word to us so that You may anoint and use us to speak Your Words to others. Grant us compassion, love, and wisdom for we do not know where people are in their hearts with You. Expose the things in our hearts that keep us from engaging others with Your Word because of their skin color, gender, ethnicity, nationality, and political party. Show us those things that have become of greater importance to us than Christ and His mission. Search our hearts and prove us, check our thoughts and try us, see if there be any wicked way in us and lead us in the everlasting way.

God, we desperately need Your Word and so does everyone in the world. Your Word testifies to Jesus the only way to have life and an eternal relationship with You. It is so sad that the majority of people do not realize this truth. Your Word has been minimized, despised, and thrown out as people diligently search elsewhere hoping to find life and satisfy the deep longings of their soul. Yet no matter how diligent and persistent they are in their search there is no hope and no help apart from Jesus Christ.

Father, the futile efforts of people to live their best life now only further alienates them from You and leads to eternal death. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus, the Word made flesh, on a mission to rescue humanity. The One who shared glory with You in heaven before the foundation of the world left from that glory came to earth as a human being, died on the cross for the sins of the world, was buried in the grave, raised from the dead, and exalted to the heavens in the place of preeminence and supremacy at the Your right hand.

God, You have called us to proclaim Your Word, that points to Jesus, to people in our world. There is nothing greater or more urgently needed in this hour. Send us forth in the power of Your Spirit for this very purpose. Hold us up to Your lips and speak through our lips to those that You send us to. Send Your holy presence before us to prepare those You are sending us to. Open up their ears to hear Your Holy Spirit. Open up their eyes to see Jesus. Open up their minds to understand Your Word. Open up their mouths to confess that Jesus is Lord and open up their hearts to believe that God has raised Him from the dead that they may be saved. In Jesus' name. Amen!!!