Father, in Jesus' name, we are so thankful for Your steadfast love, compassion, and faithfulness to us. God, You are working as You fulfill Your purpose in our lives, marriages, families, local churches, communities, cities, nations, and world - whether we recognize it or not. Thank You for the good work that You have begun in us (Your children through faith in Jesus) that You will bring to completion on the day of Jesus Christ. Help us through the Spirit to cooperate with You in this process as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling knowing that it is You, God, who is working in us to will and to do of Your own good pleasure.

God, we are not our own. For You have purchased us at a high price with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Our bodies are temples of Your Holy Spirit and in Christ we are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Make us pure and holy vessels that You are free to do what You please to, in, and through for Your glory. Search our hearts and our minds and show us our wicked ways. Cause our hearts to grieve as our sin grieves Your Holy Spirit. Produce a godly sorrow in our souls that leads us to repent of our sin and return to You with all of our hearts. Bring us to the place where we love what You love and hate what You hate. O God, fill us with Your Holy Spirit and revive us.

Father, we come before your holy presence with open hands and open hearts. We ask You to take out and put into our lives whatever You will. May our response to You always be 'yes' because of Your great mercies to us. Bring us to the place of total surrender to You like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Reveal Jesus and manifest Your presence to and through us like never before. Jesus, live Your resurrected life in and through us with great power and glory. Bring us to levels of intimate fellowship with You that we never imagined possible. Out of the overflow of that intimate fellowship use us to minister to one another, our family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues and co-workers, and those in the world that You send us to.

Father, help us to daily humble ourselves before Your holy throne to honor Your name as holy, and partner with You in the coming of Your Kingdom and You will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Use us as holy instruments in Your hand to spark the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of the world. Put us in the most strategic places for the greatest harvest of souls to come into Your eternal Kingdom as You use us to proclaim the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!