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God, We Look to You in Troubled Times as You Use Us to Fulfill Your Purposes. (Prayer Journal 162)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, thank You for watching over and protecting Your people. You have kept us in our comings and goings. Thank You for Your presence that is personally with us, the blood of Jesus that covers us, Your Holy Spirit who indwells us, and Your angels that You have given charge of us to keep us in all of our ways. Thank You that You never leave us alone to fend for ourselves. You are our protector, defender, refuge, strong tower, shield, buckler, hiding place, and deliverer. You are fierce!

You are Almighty God and there is nothing too hard or impossible for You. You are greater, mightier, and stronger than any and all others. For all power is Yours and it is all used for Your purposes. Even though You allow others to use Your power, it is still Your power. There is no one and nothing that can block, hinder, stop, or thwart Your plans and purposes from coming to pass. You are the Sovereign God who ordains the end from the beginning. When You declare a thing, it is established for Your Word that goes forth from Your mouth shall not return to You empty but it shall accomplish what You have purposed and prosper in the place to where You send it.

God, In the midst of ever-changing circumstances, feelings, and situations help us to look to You, the One who does not change. We trust that You are causing all things to work together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Thank You that You do not waste a thing and that You are using everything (the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly) in our lives to make us more and more like Your Son Jesus. Overwhelm us with Your love, mercy, justice, grace, and truth. Leave us in awe and breathless in Your presence. As the deer longs for the water brooks may our souls long after You.

Make us a people who delight ourselves in You and hate sin. Show us the sin in our hearts and lives and bring us to the place where we weep over it and hate that it hinders us from experiencing the intimate fellowship with You that You redeemed us for. Move us to confess and to repent of our sin and to return to You with our whole hearts. Fill us fresh and full with Your Holy Spirit and revive us again. May we be a people who honor You, our Father and King, and prioritize Your Kingdom above everything. Make this our motivation as we partner with You in prayer and live holy lives that reflect this eternal reality in history. We pray this in the matchless, majestic, and mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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