Holy Father, in Jesus' name, thank You that You are at work in my life, marriage, family, and ministry in ways that I cannot see, discern, know, or fathom. Move me by Your Spirit to pray in alignment with Your will and purpose. You are faithful to keep Your promises and fulfill Your purpose. You are not a man that You should lie, and neither are You a son of man that You should change Your mind. As long as I have breath in these lungs help me to keep calling upon You. You will show me great and mighty things that I know not.

God, You have taken what the enemy of my soul and my own sinful choices meant for evil and have turned it around and made it good. I ask that You use it all for the saving of many lives (physically and spiritually). Do not let me take this light that You have given me and hide it under a basket. Help me to set it up on a stand so that others may see my good works and glorify You.

There are so many people in this nation and throughout the world who are broken by sexual sin, abortion, and divorce. Many are so steeped in sin and its consequences, separated from You, thinking that they have messed up so bad, and are too dirty for You to want anything to do with them. Bring them to the realization that You demonstrated Your love for sinful humanity in this that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. God You were in Christ reconciling the world to Yourself not counting the trespasses of those who trust in Jesus against them any longer.

The vast number of people broken by sexual sin is abundant, but the workers are few. I ask You, Jesus, the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into Your harvest. Fill Your followers with Your Holy Spirit and use us to preach the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe. Bring many out of darkness and into Your marvelous light. Set them free so that they can walk in intimate fellowship with You, be trophies of Your grace, and serve Your purposes in the earth.

God, I pray for all of Your children to know the forgiveness and healing of Christ for the sin and wounds that came from sexual immorality, sexual trauma, abortion, and divorce. Help us to live in our identity in Christ. May we live a life of love, repentant, forgiven, forgiving others, free from generational curses and walking in generational blessings, being healed from our wounds, comforted from our griefs and sorrows, and living free in Jesus from the lies of the enemy that at one time had us bound. May these things be true in my heart and life and then use me to encourage, exhort, and revive my brothers and sisters. Use Your Church to win a lost and dead generation to Jesus as we preach and walk worthy of His gospel. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!