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God, We Trust You to Fulfill Your Purpose! (Prayer Journal 29)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Holy Father, we come to You in the wonderful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. You are the One who declares the end from the beginning. You are not a man that You should lie and neither are You the son of man that You should change Your mind. What You have said that will You do and what You have purposed that will You bring to pass. Jesus, You have all power and authority in heaven and on earth. And You have delegated Your power and authority to the Church to fulfill Your purposes on the earth.

God, in these days we are hearing words like hope, love, unity and reconciliation from our governmental leaders that are impossible to bring about apart from You. These words are empty without faith in Jesus Christ - His finished work on the cross, His resurrection from the grave, the outpouring of His Spirit upon the Church, and His second coming to bring the fullness of God's Kingdom. Man in his best efforts can never bring about that which comes from You.

God, please forgive us for our pride and self-reliance. Forgive us for looking to politicians and governmental leaders rather than to You. Lord Jesus, forgive us for giving our allegiance, devotion, and loyalty to things other than You. I ask You to awaken Your Church from her sleep and slumber. Produce a godly sorrow in our hearts over our sin and lead us to true repentance. Help us to remember the heights from which we have fallen, to repent of our sin, and to return to You, our first love, with our whole hearts. Bring us back to the heart of worship where it is all about You, Jesus. May You, and You only, have the preeminence, priority and first place in our lives.

God, we ask that You align the hearts of Your people with Yours. Help us to love one another as You, Lord Jesus, have loved us that the world would know that we are Your followers. Empower us, by the Holy Spirit, to live out the unity that we have in Christ. Mobilize us together on mission with Your heart of compassion as You use us to bear witness of Christ to every nation, tribe, people group, and tongue. Helped us to live out our reconciled relationships of love with You and one another in the midst of the hatred and hostility of our world. God, cause us Your holy people to truly shine bright in the darkness of our world. Jesus, You are our only hope now and for all of eternity.

Bring revival to Your Church and move us to the place where it really is about You, Your Kingdom, Your glory, and Your gospel. God, we desperately need You and so do the multitudes in our world though they do not recognize of realize that this is true. God, help us to live lives that are worthy of You and Your Kingdom. Give us Your heart for the broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead all around us. Anoint and send us to them to proclaim the gospel of Christ which is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. In Jesus name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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