Father, in Jesus' name, You are good, kind, merciful, loving, just, holy, right, perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing, and altogether lovely. All this, and so much infinitely more, is true of You and yet my soul is downcast. I am so discouraged perhaps even depressed. I really do not want to do much at all and am being tempted to quit. It must be Your Holy Spirit in me that continues to drive me to Your Word and to spend time with You in prayer.
God, it seems that You have led me into this wilderness and yet I am doubting Your love, plan, and purpose. I confess that is sin. So, I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. My thoughts are that I am going to die in this wilderness. I am asking You to strengthen my faith and help me to believe You again.

Jesus, You were tempted in every manner such as we are but You never sinned. Thus, You are able to help us when we are tempted. Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit and help me to be strong in You Lord and in the power of Your might. For my struggle is not against people or things in this seen world but against spiritual powers in the unseen realm. Help me to daily put on the full armor of God so that I can stand against all the schemes of the devil and to keep moving forward in the face of the enemy's attacks.

God, You are in total and complete control over all things, in all places, and at all times. And this is true regarding whatever is going on in my life, family, church, community, city, state, nation, and world. The devil does not do whatever he wants but only what You allow or permit him to do. I don't understand why or how but, in Your Sovereignty, You use whatever the devil does to even bring Your plans and purpose to pass. he is not able to block, hinder, stop, or thwart Your Kingdom from coming. For You are the one who declares the end from the beginning.

Though I am often caught off guard and taken by surprise by things happening in my life and in the world, You are not. For Your dearly loved children, You are causing all things to work together for our good. And You are using all of it to make us more and more like Your Son Jesus. In the midst of the trials, I often want to quit. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Help me to trust You Lord and walk in the Spirit so that I do not give into the lusts of the flesh. Do not let me bail on You, Jesus, the One who endured the cross despising the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Thank You for teaching me through the trials of life that I desperately need You. No one or nothing else can ever satisfy me. Without the trials I would think that I am able to navigate this life You've given me apart form You. Truly bring me to the place where I realize that others need You, not me and the gifts that You've given to me. Help me to process the pain and suffering of this life in light of the cross of Jesus Christ, the life of Christ in me that You want me and others to experience as I deny myself and take up my cross, and the future hope of eternal bliss in Your glorious presence. In Jesus', name!!!