Father, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I bless and praise Your holy and righteous name. You are the One and only true and living God. You are good, glorious, and great. There is no one like You. You are unique, distinct, completely separate from everything that You have made, and infinitely superior to it all. You are holy, enthroned over all of creation as King. You are high, lifted up, and exalted. There is nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing undone (except for me in Your presence). You are perfect purity and completeness.

The end that You ordained from the beginning is the only reality that the seraphim who are in Your presence realize as they declare 'Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory.' You are eternal. There is no past, present, and future with You. Everything just is. That is why You are the I AM THAT I AM! You created time and You work out Your eternal purposes in time until time fades away into eternity. You are not bound by time, confined by time, or constrained by time. You are never early, and You are never late. Everything that You do is happening according to the divine timeline that You have set in place.

God there is so much about You that I do not know or understand. You are incomprehensible. You cannot be fully known or understood. You are mysterious. I ask You to give me a greater revelation of You as You grow me in my knowledge and understanding of who You are. There is and there will always be infinitely more that I do not know or understand about You then what I do. May this truth keep me humble before You.

You are the Majestic Glory who is the Sovereign King over all creation. You are the self-existing One who brought everything into existence. You are the Maker of the heavens and the earth, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. You are my Creator and made me in Your image and likeness on purpose and for a purpose. You are the self-sufficient One who needs nothing and no one. Everything that You need You are and everything that You made needs You. You do not change.
What blows me away most about You is that You have chosen a people who deserve nothing but Your wrath to have an eternal relationship with You. We wanted to live for ourselves rather than for You the One who formed us by love for a love relationship with You. Thank You for choosing a people in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world, holy and blameless, and adopting us into Your royal family according to Your good pleasure to the praise of Your glorious grace.

Father thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, who shared glory with You from before the foundation of the world into the world to be the atoning sacrifice for our sin. The image of the invisible God came in the image of sinful humanity, yet He was without sin. Thank You that all of the sins of the entire world were placed on Jesus and all of Your wrath was poured out on Him.
God, thank You that by believing in Him that all of my sins are forgiven, and His righteousness is credited to me You have done for me what no one else has done or could do. You created me though Christ, redeemed me by His precious blood shed on the cross, and gave me the gift of eternal life as He was raised to life again and ascended to Your right hand. You did all of this so that there would be a people who belong to You and experience intimate fellowship with You for the rest of eternity. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!