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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Great Is Your Faithfulness Lord Unto Me! (Prayer Journal 100)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for Your faithfulness to fulfill Your purposes in the earth. What blows my mind is that You have chosen to use me and others in this. Lord, show me what You want me to do. Impress it strongly upon my heart that I will not miss what You are saying. Show me the part of Your harvest field that You have called me to co-labor with You and others in.

Jesus, I often do not feel like my life is making an eternal Kingdom impact either in or outside of my home. I am so tired of holding back from You and giving You less than all that You have purchased, which is all of me, with Your precious blood. Help me to fully abandon myself to You for You to use my life for what You appointed me to even before my birth. Cause me to push my boat away from the comfortable and safe shores to the deep waters where You will manifest Your glory and miracles to, in, and through my life.

Jesus, do not let me be a man who offers You words devoid of meaning, the platitudes of my lips but not my heart. Do not let me be like the religious leaders that You reproved because their lips were near You while their hearts were far from You. Help me to remember Your goodness, mercy, and grace to me. Make me a man who prays without ceasing and seeks Your face. Produce a godly sorrow in my soul over my sin and lead me to genuine repentance. Revive me again, O Lord, as I return to You my first love. Fill me to overflowing measure with Your Spirit and take control of my life.

God, I am amazed that You allow me opportunities to serve Your Kingdom purposes when I am often halfhearted and disobedient towards You. For I know that You are not this hard up. You do not need me. I need You! I am sorry for so often giving people a wrong picture of who You are by the way that I live and speak. Why have You chosen me? When, like King Saul, I am often hiding rather than confidently walking in Your will and purpose. Yet You have anointed, called, and assigned me a part to play in Your Kingdom agenda. You do not need me but You want me to live in intimate fellowship with You as You use my life to partner with You in Your eternal purpose.

God, thank You for being so patient with me and for not giving up on me. Help me by Your grace to not quit but to continue to work out my salvation with fear and trembling for it is You, God, who works in me to will and to do of Your own good pleasure. I often feel overwhelmed with fulfilling Your calling on my life. I know that apart from You, Jesus, I cannot do it. Yet Your Word declares that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. There is so much that I could be doing but none of it will bear fruit and glorify Your name if I am not living in an intimate relationship with You.

Jesus, help me to daily live clothed in the full armor of God victoriously against the schemes of the devil. Thank You that You have disarmed powers and principalities as You have made a public spectacle of them through the cross. The battles that I face are not mine but Yours so help me to do all that You've called me to in faith and obedience to Your Word. Thank You that Your holy presence goes before me and is with me as You prepare the way and the hearts of those that You send me to. God, stir my heart to pray what is on Your heart. Grant me great confidence in Your ability to use my life for Your Kingdom purposes for there is nothing too hard or impossible for You. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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