God, our nation is so far from You spiraling out of control as catastrophe, corruption, darkness, and death are the daily headlines. We are deserving of Your judgement as we have spurned You the Creator for people and things that You have made. Sadly, many think that peace, hope, light, and life can be experienced by our human efforts as we continue to disregard You. The truth is we need a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, for You to manifest Your presence, and Your Word to be loosed to run swiftly to people in this nation. Bring great multitudes of people to the place where they recognize their desperate need for You and the salvation that You have made available to us through faith in Jesus Christ.
Thank You that Your name is a strong tower that the righteous can run to in the time of trouble. Have Your way in the lives Your children giving us a heart for You above all else as we walk in intimate fellowship with You and represent You in this world. Anoint us, send us out, and use us to turn many away from their sin to Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Too many have put their trust in human leaders, philosophies, education, technology, money, religion, and themselves instead of You the Sovereign God. You are the only hope for this nation and its people. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!