Father, in Jesus' name, there is nothing that comes close to comparing to You and absolutely nothing better than You. There is no one like You and no one who has done for me what You have done, are doing, and will do for me. Every promise that You've ever given is 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Jesus Christ. For You are the God who declares the end from the beginning. You can not lie and You can not fail. You are perfect in all of Your ways, right in everything that You do, and right in the way in which You do all things. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your love towards people, especially those who belong to You.
God, give me more of Your heart for people and open my eyes to see them as Your do. Thank You for shedding Your love abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit and cause the love of Christ to compel me to share Jesus with others. Forgive me that more often than not, if I am honest, that I simply do not care all that much about my neighbors. For if I really did there would be more of an urgency in my heart to share Jesus with them.

Jesus, I am often sad over my lukewarm attitude towards You. There are so many times that I want to cry. But I rarely do. Yet I've seen Your transformation in my life, and others, by Your powerful Holy Spirit. Once dead in our transgressions and sins and You have made us alive. Please break my heart as Yours is broken over those who are broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead in this world. I am so tired of being apathetic and indifferent towards You, Jesus, and those that You came into the world to save.
God, what I realize is that I can not cause myself to care or make myself share Jesus with others. So, I am asking You to stir up my heart and affection for You so that I delight myself in You and I truly desire what Your heart desires. God, recapture my drifting heart and set it ablaze with a passion for You that the world, the flesh, and the devil will never be able to quench. God, forgive me for often treating You like a magic genie in a bottle, a 9-1-1 emergency call center, a slot machine, and a sugar daddy. Forgive me for wanting what You have in Your hand for me more than just wanting You and living for Your glory in the earth.
Jesus, I am asking You to breakthrough with You miracle working power in the hearts of Your people. Destroy every scheme and work of the enemy as You loose Your power and presence to clothe and cover us. God, our world needs You, a great and mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to sweep multitudes out of the valley of decision into the Kingdom of our God. Evil and wickedness continue to pervade our world. We are really clueless as to all that is going on in the world, helpless and at a loss to do anything, apart from You. God, help us to look to You, to pray to You, and watch You do what only You can do as You shine Your light in the darkness, minister life in the face of death, hold out hope to the hopeless, set the captives free, and open the eyes of the blind.
O God, this world needs Jesus! You've chosen to use those of us who are called by Your name to take Jesus to this world. The harvest is indeed plentiful and the laborers are few so I pray to You, Lord Jesus, to send laborers in to Your harvest field. God, cause us to come to You, to walk intimately with You, so that Your holy power and presence overflows out of our lives as You send us to open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God. Bring us to a place of greater yielding to Your authority that we may wield Your authority in greater measure. Lead us to repent and revive us again. Fill us, Your people, to overflowing with the Holy Spirit to turn the world upside down, like the Apostles in the first century, as we take the gospel from our neighborhoods to the nations. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!