Father, in Jesus name, we bless and praise You for You are Almighty God. There is nothing too hard or impossible for You. You are the One who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to Your great power that works mightily in us. You are great and greatly to be praised and Your greatness is unsearchable. Right here and right now, we ask that You'd meet with us and grant us an encounter with Your glory that will cause our lives to be marked with Your presence. Break down our defenses and the walls around our hearts until we are completely surrendered to You and submitted to Your will.
God, make us lovers of You above all else. May our love for You be evident by our obedience to the Your Word, the Bible, and our love for one another. Grant us Your eyes and heart of compassion for the lost, broken, hurting, spiritually dead all around us. Jesus, help us not to condemn sinners, in our self righteousness, but to point them to You. For You did not come into the world to condemn the world but that the world through You might be saved. Jesus, use us to be Your salt and light in the earth as we serve as Your ambassadors in the world. We ask that Your presence goes before us preparing the hearts of those that You are sending us to for the gospel and an encounter with You.
God, break us from wanting to be heard, seen, and noticed. Do a work, by Your Spirit, in our hearts such that we only want Jesus to be heard, seen, and experienced in the world through us. Help us to listen more than we speak and may we speak as those who speak the very words of God for the exhortation of the body of Christ and salvation for the world. Help us to esteem others more highly than ourselves and look not to our own interests but to the interests of others as well.

In this hour, remind us that our hope is in Christ alone in the midst of this divided, hostile, and polarized world. Use us to execute the ministry of reconciliation that You've entrusted to us. God, our leaders, our nation, and the nations need You! Awaken and arise the body of Christ to shine the light of Jesus and hold out the hope of the gospel to one another and to the world. Break us of the fear that causes us to not want to engage and grant us, by the Holy Spirit, a boldness, wisdom, and love that compels us to do something. Have Your way in and through Your people to glorify Your name, cause Your kingdom to come and will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven this day. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!