Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for times of refreshing that I have experienced by the presence of Christ. Empower and lead me to daily live in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Do not ever allow me to become comfortable with where I am in Christ. For there is always more ground for Christ to conquer until my entire life is completely surrendered to Jesus, my King. Constantly remind me that I have not yet arrived and each and every day there is room for me to grow in Christlikeness and intimacy with You. Do not let me take a break or rest when I am to be engaging battle with the enemy with Your mighty weapons of warfare that demolish the enemy's strongholds.

God, thank You for sparking and stoking the flames of revival in my heart. You are a consuming fire. Because of Your grace Your fire won't be eternal judgment for me but instead used to cleanse and purify me that I may live a holy life that reflects Jesus. I know that it was not what You saw in me that caused You to save me. For my disobedience and rebellious sin against You only makes me deserve Your eternal wrath. You saved me because of the riches of Your mercy, Your amazing grace, Your unfailing love, and You unrelenting kindness. You are not only the Holy One of Israel but the Savior of the world.

Father, thank You for sending Your holy Son, Jesus, into the world to be the atoning sacrifice for sin. Thank You that in Your divine counsel it was planned that Jesus would be the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world even before the foundation of the world. For You are the eternal God who has planned the end from before the beginning. Continue to blow me away with who You are and what You have done for me so that I live in awe and fear of You. Keep me ever mindful that You are God and that I am not, that You are the Lord, and I am Your bondservant. May I live this life that You have given me in accordance with Your Word.

Jesus, I am not my own for I belong to You, You have purchased me with Your precious blood. Show me my sin and lead me to confess it, repent, and return to You. Cause my heart to be grieved and broken over my sin so that I offer You the sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart. For this is the type of sacrifice that You said that You would not despise. I ask You to fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit beyond measure and use my life for Your glory. Help me to walk in intimate fellowship with You as You live Your resurrected life in and through me with great power and glory.

I avail myself to You for intimacy with You and partnership in Your Kingdom purposes. I do not want to just plug in anywhere and be doing anything. I want to be where You want me doing what You created and redeemed me for. Yet help me to seek You above the plans that You have for my life. Let me be a man who seeks Your face and not Your hands. For in doing so You will fulfill Your purpose concerning me. I do not need a high position or a lofty title but to seek You the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity.
Speak Lord and open my ears to hear Your voice. Help me to walk on Your path and not turn from it to the right or to the left no matter what comes. I do know that You have chosen, called, and anointed me to preach the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this generation. As You use me to preach, be at work by Your Holy Spirit piercing and pricking people's hearts as You bring many to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For Jesus is the only hope and Savior of the world. Amen!!!
Thank you Brother David! From time to time I personalize your prayer for myself during my time with the Lord!! Thank you