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Jesus, Help Me To Give My Life Away To You! (Prayer Journal 108)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

I feel at times like I am doing too much. I feel so overwhelmed often not knowing what to do in the various roles that I have in life. Jesus, I need You to show me what You want me to do. Grant me the grace to say 'Yes' to Your will and 'No' to those things that You have not called me to do. Help me to discern what is from You and the good things that I could do but You've called someone else to do. I not only do not know what to do but do not, in and of myself, have the strength to do anything that brings You glory, builds Your Kingdom, or leads to Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus, do whatever You must to bring me to the end of myself. At times I feel so anxious, burdened, and weighed down as I struggle to connect with You in vibrant intimacy. Help me to truly give myself away to You so that You may use me. I recognize that no one needs me. Everyone, including and especially me, needs You. I cannot breathe without You, function without You, live without You, see without You, or think without You. I do not exist without You or have life without You. I am nothing without You.

Jesus, forgive me for daily giving into the desires of my flesh rather than yielding to Your Spirit. I keep repeating habitual sins which may seem trivial to others but are a blatant disregard of Your holiness and extravagant love for me. Do whatever You must to break me from excusing, justifying, and minimizing my sin. I am so ready to be fully in Your presence where I am free from this body of sin and this fallen world. Until then help me to put the deeds of this body to death by the Holy Spirit that I may live a life pleasing to You. Move me to confess my sins to You. Produce a godly sorrow in my soul over my sin that leads me to genuine repentance. Thank You for choosing me and using me in spite of me. Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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