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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Help Me To Give Up My Will For Yours. (Prayer Journal 76)

Father, thank You for Your love and mercy towards me. You have been and continue to be so kind and patient to me. You are my God and there is nobody even infinitely close to comparing to You. Thank You for saving me by Your grace and giving me the faith to trust You. This is Your doing and gift to me. Thus, my boast is in You only. I am now Your handiwork in Christ Jesus who has prepared good works for me walk in. Thank You that there is absolutely nothing in all creation that shall ever separate me from Your love. Thank You that there is no one or nothing that can ever snatch me out of Your hands. Thank You for never giving up on me and Your promise to be with me throughout time and into eternity.

Jesus, use everything in this season to bring me to the end of myself and to complete dependence and reliance upon You. For I am nothing without You and can do nothing apart from You. I need You more desperately than I know. Break me from looking to myself and others. Bring me to the place where I look and cling only to You. You are all that I need and I am asking You to bring me to the place where You are all that I want. There is no meaning and purpose in life without You. For You are the source of life, the author of life, the One who gives life. Help me to turn my eyes upon You, Jesus and look full in Your wonderful face. So that the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace.

Jesus, You are the only Savior of the world and the only hope for the nations of the world. The Father sent You into the world for this reason. Forgive me for thinking that You need me to bring something to the table to accomplish Your will, when You alone are all in all. Help me to be faithful where You have me and do not allow me to think that You are counting on me to solve the world's problems. Help me to not be afraid to fail for You never fail to fulfill Your purpose. I am not and never will be strong enough to bring about, stop, or unravel what You've planned and purposed. Help me to rest in the finished work of Christ knowing that You are awesome and great enough to use even me to partner with You in the coming of Your Kingdom.

God, send Your holy presence before me as I prepare to enter into this new year. If that is not the case then there is really no need for me to cross the precipice from this year into the next. Apart from Your Holy Spirit empowering me then I would only try to sabotage Your will by making it about me rather than You. There are so many of Your children that are having a hard time accepting Your will because things are are drastically different than what we want and expect. Minister to us and help us to see the circumstances of our lives and the things in the world from Your eternal perspective. Remind us of Your love and bring us to the place where we realize that it is not about us but about You, Your glory, Your Kingdom, and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. May we truly prosper in the will of God as we learn to trust and obey You. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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