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Jesus, Help Me to Shine Your Light and Not Blend in With the Darkness! (Prayer Journal 159)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for the life giving and life changing power of Your Spirit at work in my life and the lives of Your children. Who You are and what You have done is too awesome and amazing to even comprehend. The darkness in this world is great but Your light is infinitely greater. Death is all around, but You bring life from the dead through Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life. Hopelessness seems to be pervasive, yet You are the Hope of nations. Chaos and confusion are widespread, yet You are the Prince of Peace.

God, I confess that I am so tired and weary. I need You to bear my burdens and strengthen me. Bring revival to my soul and times of refreshing to me by Your presence. I avail myself to You even right now. Search my heart and prove me, check my thoughts and try me. See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the everlasting way. I am so tired of going through the motions giving You lip service rather than my life.

You have called me as one of Your lights in this dark world. Why do I so rarely shine Your light? More often than not I am hiding Your light under a bowl. In an attempt to distract myself from the Spirit's conviction I convince myself that You are hiding me in obscurity. If I am honest, I often do not really desire to follow Jesus wherever He would lead me. And daily I fail to yield to Your Holy Spirit while giving in to my own fleshly desires. Help me to be faithful with the small things so that I will grow into one that You can trust with much.

I do not know why, but You have blessed me with the great privilege to know You, to worship You, to love You, to serve You, to be a husband, to be a father, and to be a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help me to do everything that I do as unto You and not unto others. For You are in me, You are with me, You are for me, You see me, You know my thoughts, and even the depths of my heart. There is nothing hidden from Your sight everything is laid bare in Your presence. Help me to live for You, my Audience of One, and do all that I do for Your glory.

God do not leave me like this with a lukewarm, apathetic, complacent, and indifferent heart towards You. Do whatever You must to get my attention and to turn me away from entertaining the lies of satan, following the world, and giving into my lustful desires. Move me to confess and repent of my sin and to return to You my first love with my whole heart. Drain the love of the world from my heart and fill my heart to overflowing measure with the Father's love. Set my heart ablaze with a passion for You that the world, the flesh, and the devil are not able to extinguish or quench. Cause Your holy fire to consume my life as You burn away everything in me, on me, and around me that is not like You, from You, or of You. Conform me more and more into the image of Jesus.

God, show me the things that hinder my intimacy with You and usefulness to You. I know that it is the small foxes that ruin the vine more than the blatant sins. Show me things that I am doing that I need to stop and things that I am not doing that I need to start. Make me a pure and holy vessel who enjoys Your presence, experiences Your pleasure, and partners with You in Your purpose on a daily basis. In spite of my inability to do anything pleasing to You, I am so thankful for the work of Your Holy Spirit in my life, marriage, family, and ministry. You are indeed good, and Your mercy endures forevermore. Thank You for Your everlasting, unconditional, and unfailing love that You have lavished upon my life through faith in Jesus Christ. Thank You that You will never give up on me. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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