God, thank You for saving our souls and transforming our lives by sending Your Son Jesus to die for our sins and rise from the dead to give us new and eternal life. Jesus, You are the cornerstone upon which are lives are built. Thank You for building Your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and making us spiritual stones that together are being built into a holy residence here on earth for Your presence and glory. Help us, through the Spirit, to cling to Jesus so that we are built up and strengthened in You. Do not allow us to experience spiritual erosion and shipwreck our faith.

God pour Your Spirit out on us. Anoint us to pray to You and engage with You on those things that are on Your heart and aligned with Your will. Order our steps as You delight in our way. Open our ears to be attuned to Your voice as You speak to us in this hour. As we hear Your voice may we walk in Your way not turning from it to the right or to the left. In the midst of all that is going on in our lives, families, nation, and world, we realize this one thing: 'We need You!' We do not know what to do, what to say, or where to go unless You show us and empower us.

Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of the heavens and the earth. God, You alone are the source of our strength and the strength of our lives. We have only made it as far as we have come because You have carried us on eagles wings. We can do nothing apart from You and yet we can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us strength. It is only by Your divine enablement and grace that we are able to partner with You in the coming of Your Kingdom and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Purify our hearts and minds so that we are holy vessels through which the glory, gospel, and grace of Jesus Christ freely flows to others.
God, keep us humble before Your Majestic Presence. Remind us that You are not only the One who sits on Your heavenly throne and rules over the nations but that You are the One who dwells with the humble and lowly of heart. You are with us, Your people, and there is no one greater, higher, or stronger than You. Grant us great confidence as You have promised that You will never leave us nor forsake us.
Jesus, revive us, Your followers, so that we may glorify Your name and powerfully minister to those experiencing emotional instability, mental anguish, physical weariness, and spiritual apathy in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of out world. You are longing to use us to minister the good news of Jesus Christ, the only hope for the world, to the people of the nations. Amen!!!