Father, in Jesus' name, thank You once again for Your great faithfulness to Your children. Thank You for making it possible for us to be in Your holy presence. Thank You for the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your holy Word to renew our minds and for increasing revelation of Jesus.

Jesus, I ask that You help us focus on You. Lift the discouragement and pour out encouragement and faith on us by Your Spirit through Your Word. We cannot break ourselves out of the apathy, complacency, despondency, indifference, and the spiritual funk that many find ourselves in. We cannot stop ourselves from drifting from You on the current of the world, from believing the deceitful lies of the devil, and from giving in to the sinful desires of the flesh. In these increasingly dark days, it is harder to pray, spend time with You in Your Word, and to engage others in sharing the gospel.

The devil and his demons are attacking Your followers so hard because he knows that his time is short. They do not want us to focus on who we are in You and the great authority that You have given us. They want us to focus on the evil in the world instead of the truth that You were manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Because of this many of Your followers are distracted and discouraged. While others are even believing the enemy's deceptions. Despite what our eyes see and how we feel You are using Your Church greatly in this hour and will do so until You return to restore the Kingdom fully to the Father.

We need You to move us to confess and repent of sin, to turn our hearts away from the idolatry of this world, and to return us to You with our whole hearts. We need You to do this for if You do not then we are stuck. Thank You for Your everlasting love for us that nothing in all creation shall ever separate us from. Shock our hearts to beat only and wildly for You. Break every inkling of people pleasing and the fear of man from us. Make us a people who long to please You and live in the fear of the Lord.
Bring us to the place where our very lives mean nothing to us and that You mean absolutely everything to us. That for us to live is Christ and for us to die is gain. Do whatever You must to prepare us to be Your end time warriors who will bring You and the hope found in only You to this godless culture. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!