I had the privilege of meeting Andy Merritt and hearing him share God's Word and his heart at the 2019 Sound the Call Conference in Leesburg, Florida. Andy passed from this life into eternity in October 2020 due to complications from COVID-19. Shortly after a dear sister in Christ sent me his recorded message from that 2019 conference. Listening to these words knowing that my dear brother was now in the presence of Jesus I was stirred to write this prayer. And now I share it with You and pray that God uses it to stir us up to live as Christ's captives by His empowering grace. To learn more about Andy's life and ministry click here.
Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless and praise You my God and King. Thank You for the powerful word that You anointed Andy Merritt to speak. O God, I am grateful that Andy ran the race that You set before him and is now in the presence of Jesus. Thank You for men, like Andy, that You set among us who were desirous of living holy lives focused and submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ. God, in our day and in this hour, I ask You to raise up an army of men and women who are Christ's captives. A people who are defined by our relationship with You, the living God, and who long to walk in genuine intimate fellowship with You each and every day.
Jesus, make us a people who are focused on You, the One for whom nothing is too hard or impossible, and not on the challenges, hardships, difficulties, and problems that lie before us. God bring us, Your people, to the place where You are our first love and greatest desire. Help us to give the lives and ministries that You have entrusted to us fully to You for You to glorify You name and build Your Kingdom. Please enable us to trust and believe You are doing this regardless of what our eyes see, our ears hear, and our feelings tell us.

God, make us a people who long to partake of Your holiness in our hearts and lives. Do not let us focus on results but to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Help us to trust and fully rest in this truth: that the One who loves us best knows what is best for us. Bring us to the place, like Jesus, where we truly say not our will but Your will be done on earth and in our lives as it is in heaven. God bring us to the place where we rest in the truth that Your grace is sufficient for us and that Your strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Make us a people who glory in our weaknesses so that power of Christ shall rest upon us. Help us to delight for Christ's sake in our weaknesses, insults, hardships, difficulties, and distresses so that when we are weak then we are strong.
God, forgive us for complaining and whining about our weaknesses and to see them as opportunities for You to manifest and show Your power to do what only You can do to, in, and through our lives. So that in everything in our lives the glory goes to You and You alone. O God, I pray this for every member of the body of Christ and especially for my own heart. Cause us this day to be conformed more and more to the image of the Son of God, Jesus Christ our Lord. Bring us to the place where all we want is You Lord! For You are worthy of it all. For from You are all things and to You are all things. You deserve the glory. In Jesus' name. Amen!!!