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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, Help Us to Live for You in Light of What You've Done and Your Return! (Prayer Journal 138)

Father, in Jesus' name, thank You for Your favor on our lives. You see and know us. You see us as the object of Your affection - the apple of Your eye. You have placed Your seal of approval on our lives. Thank You for removing our sin from us as far as the east is from the west through the death of Jesus on the cross. Now Your righteousness covers us. You have declared and made us righteous through faith in Jesus Christ. You have adopted us into Your royal family as Your dearly loved children.

In Christ, we are Your beloved children and with us You are well pleased. We have died with Christ, been buried with Christ, raised to new life with Christ, ascended to the heavenly realms with Christ, and seated with Christ at Your right hand. We are saved from the penalty of sin, being saved from the power of sin, and will be saved from the presence of sin at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In light of what is true of us in Christ, help us to live in accordance with Your Word as we are empowered by Your Holy Spirit. The enemy of our souls will do everything that he can to make us believe that things in this natural world are more real and important than the spiritual realities that are now ours in Christ. We are so thankful that when the enemy comes in like a flood that Your Spirit raises a standard against him that stops him in his tracks. Thank You for this truth: that greater is the One (Jesus) in us than the one who is in the world (satan). Teach us how to fight victoriously in the spiritual dimension in the whole armor of God. For the weapons of our warfare are not of this world but they are mighty through God to demolish satanic strongholds, throw down thought processes contrary to Your Word, as every one of our thoughts are taken captive to obey Christ.

O God, help us to daily submit to Your will and yield to Your authority that You may manifest Your presence, power, and glory through the body of Christ. Give us hearts that are perfect towards You that You may show Yourself strong on our behalf. Our lives are not our own. They are Yours as You have purchased us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Do not allow us to hold back anything from You. For all that we are and have is rightfully Yours. Turn us away from sin and help us to hate it as You lead us to confess and repent of it. Fill us, Your temple, with Your Holy Spirit and use us to glorify Your great name.

Jesus, help us to remain in You, the true vine, as Your Word remains in us that we may bear much fruit for the Father's glory. Help us to hear Your voice and to obey You. Soften our hearts and grant us a great sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit. Grant us undivided hearts and teach us to fear your holy name. Daily guide our hearts to You as we live our lives in light of Your presence and Your coming. May we love Your coming, long for Your coming, wait for Your coming by living holy lives, and hasten Your coming as we preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. Prepare Your bride for Your coming. We long to be with You in Your eternal Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and justice. Pour out the latter rain on Your Church. Help us to live in love and unity and use us to win great multitudes into Your Kingdom in these last days. As the world grows darker, may Your light shine ever increasingly brighter through us to our neighbors and to the nations. Amen!!!!

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