Father, I am daily called to be drawing nearer to You and being conformed to the image of Your Son Jesus. Yet I feel like I keep drifting further and further from You. My thoughts are more worldly, my desires more fleshly, and my attitude more selfish and less loving. In this, I thank You for Your faithfulness and Your promises. For the sake of Your great name You have not failed nor abandoned me. I am often faithless but You are faithful for You cannot deny Yourself. I so often let go but You never let go. I often give up but You never do. God, I desperately need You!!!

God, I am so glad that Your Word reads that Elijah was a man like us. As he lived by faith and obedience to Your word, You used him to show those in his generation that You alone are God by great displays of Your power (read 1 Kings 17-18). I believe that You desire to use us greatly in our generation as we listen to the word of God and are led by the Holy Spirit. Yet there came a time, recorded in 1 Kings 19, where his life was threatened and his faith faltered. He became afraid and ran for his life. He fell into doubt and wanted to die. How could one who was used so mightily by You, doubt You and Your promises? I guess the same way that I, and Your other children, do since he was a man like us. Though we are men (and women) of God at the end of the day, we are mere men (and women) who desperately need Jesus.

Jesus, thank You for things in my life that remind me that I desperately need You. I am nothing without You and can do nothing apart from You. Help me to abide (remain, stay) in You as Your word abides in me that I may bear much fruit for the Father's glory. Keep me running to You, longing for You, searching for You, seeking You, and finding You. Fill me with Your Spirit and use my life to fulfill Your purposes and bring You glory whether I am aware of it or not.
Show me anything in my life that hinders me from walking in intimate fellowship with You and being used by You to glorify Your great name. Move me to confess and repent of these things. Help me to be intentional in my pursuit of You as I spend extended periods of time with You in Your Word, in prayer, in fellowship with other believers, and the singing of praises to Your great name. Bring revival to my soul. Do not let me be distracted by the things of this world or what needs to be done but to be consumed by You. Burn away everything that is not like You as my life burns for You only. Amen!!!