The only reason why Christmas, or any other time of the year, has significance and meaning is Jesus. Forgive us for allowing the gifts, the decorations, the gatherings and parties, the food, the movies, the songs about temporary and trivial things, and the time off of work and school to overshadow Jesus. There is nothing in the history of the world that is as incredible as God becoming a human and entering into the world that He made in the person of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, You are the eternal Son of God who shared glory with the Father before the foundation of the world. You are the One through whom everything that was made was made. You are the One, Isaiah saw, seated high and exalted on Your throne while being worshiped by fiery beings. You are the One that the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain. You are the One who if humans saw Your absolute glory would instantly die. You could have come into the earth to pour out God's wrath on us for our sin and rebellion.
You were conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary as the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. You took all of Your deity and came in bodily form beginning as a zygote. You, the image of the invisible God, came in the image of sinful humanity. Yet You were without sin. You veiled Your glory in human flesh so that people could behold Your glory and not die. You came to save humanity from our sin and not to destroy us.
How awesome is it that You left the glory of heaven to come into this fallen sinful world. You became a human to identify with us. You were tempted in every manner such as us but not once did You ever sin. You died on the cross bearing our sins while You drank the full cup of God's wrath down to the very last drop. Afterwards You were raised to life again because You did it all in obedience to the Father' will.
Jesus, You did all this to demonstrate the Father's love for us. Whoever believes in You can receive the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. What blows me away is that this was not an afterthought or a reaction to what had happened. But You planned this from before the foundation of the world. You are the Sovereign Lord who is in absolute and total control at all times and in all places. Continue to blow me away with who You are everyday of this life until I am with You in eternity.
Do not let me treat You as common when You are holy. You are glorious and have set Your glory above the heavens. One day, when You return, Your glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. All this is made possible because You are the God who rends the heavens and comes down.
Give me a greater knowledge and understanding of who You are. Teach me Your ways so that I may know You better. Do not let me be focused on earthly things that are fading away but on You the eternal King, whose Kingdom will never end. Make me a pure and holy vessel to, in, and through which Your presence, power, glory, and word freely flows. Help me Lord Jesus to live this life that You've given me for You and You alone. Amen!!!