Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless and praise You for You are God Almighty. There is absolutely nothing too hard or impossible for You. You are great and greatly to be praised and Your greatness is unsearchable. There is nobody like You and one day Your glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. You are the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the One and only true and living God.
God, I am asking You to grant Your people a holy encounter with You that will cause us from this day forth to be in hot pursuit of You until the day that we are fully in Your presence. Break down the walls around our hearts until our hearts are completely Yours. I am asking You to bring complete destruction to anything in and around our lives that is not like You, from You, or of You. Demolish every stronghold, cause every imagination and high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God to be cast down, and bring every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, bring us to the place where we are truly Your captives who are available, ready, and willing to do Your will. Move us from striving to live for You in our own power to trusting You to do through us that which is utterly impossible. For only by Your Holy Spirit can we live lives that are pleasing to You. Break us free from our desire to please man and from living in the fear of man. May we live out of the new undivided hearts You've given as You teach us to fear Your holy name.

God, continue to give light and clarity to our steps as we hear Your voice and walk in Your way. Do not let us waste time trying to figure out what You are doing but I ask that You'd keep us in Your Word and on our knees. Your Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. God, I am asking You to open doors, in Your time and way, to position us for Your Kingdom purposes and glory. Give us an openness to wherever You are leading, trusting You even if it does not make sense or seem to be the best fit. In our pursuit of You above all else bring us to the place where we don't want anything if You're not in it, we just want You.

Jesus, do not let us be distracted from You by temporary, earthly things. We relinquish to You access and control of the rooms (areas of our lives) that are often kept closed to You. Take control of the whole building (our lives) and use them as You will. Forgive us for only giving You access to the rooms that we feel comfortable with letting You in. You are Lord over the whole building and all of the rooms! Take us to realms in You that we did not even know existed before. Help us to prepare for You and come and do what You will to, in, and through our lives.

Jesus, send us out into the deep to cast the nets to bring in a great catch. Grant us the faith, like Your disciple Peter, that we'll be willing to do what You say even if it does not make sense to our natural minds and our past experiences. Come, meet with us, and manifest Your glory in areas that we thought we could handle without You that leads us to a greater revelation of who You are. Lead us to acknowledge, confess, repent of our sin, and be willing to leave the comfortable to fully follow You. Grant us such sensitive hearts to Your Spirit that we will shift direction immediately when You make known to us Your will. Bring Your will to pass in our lives in such a way that we'll know that we have been brought to this place by God and all that is accomplished is by Your unlimited power.
O God use us to restore the foundations through the strengthening of the family according to Your design. Pour out Your Spirit on the U.S. and the nations. Loose Your Word and let it run swiftly throughout the earth. O God bring a mighty revival to Your people and bring forth the emergence of the true Church in this hour. Use Your Church to bring another great spiritual awakening as You use us to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ. Cause a great multitude of souls to be swept out of the valley of decision into the Kingdom of our God. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!