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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, May We Be About Your Kingdom Business! (Prayer Journal 87)

Father, in Jesus' name, grow our desire and love for You as You give us Your burden and passion. God, grant us a passion for Your Word, prayer, the Church, the salvation of those who do not know You, and the return of Jesus Christ. Do not let us be poor stewards over the time, treasures, talents, relationships, resources, and opportunities that You have entrusted to us for the purpose of glorifying Your great name. Make us winsome and wise as we deal with people in the world. Grant us an urgency to do Your will no matter what comes. Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Jesus, push us beyond our ability, out of our comfort zones, beyond our knowledge, and perceived areas of expertise. Give us a will to do what You say even when we have tried everything that we know and have come away with nothing but frustration. Bring us to the place that we will follow You with reckless abandon as You make us fishers of men. Open doors and make ways for us that we know that only You could. Move us to step out into waters that are way over our heads so that we have to trust You or drown. Do not let us sit back waiting if You are leading us ahead. But also do not let us move forward if You are telling us to be still. May we show our trust in You by what we do in response to Your voice and not the circumstances and situations that we daily face.

God, put us in places and spaces where we know that apart from Your presence with us that we are inadequate, incompetent, insufficient, and unable to do anything. For Christ alone is our adequacy, competency, sufficiency, and ability! (see 1 Corinthians 1:30-31) Jesus, as we believe in You use us to do the greater works that You promised as You and the Father have given us Your Spirit (see John 14:12). Do a mighty work to, in, and through our lives, marriages, families, work, and local churches that can only be explained because CHRIST LIVES IN US!

Thank You for hearing our prayer and for doing great and mighty things that we know not as You use us to shine the light and love of Christ into the darkness and division of our world. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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