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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Jesus, My Mind is Blown When I Think of Who You Are and What You Have Done! (Prayer Journal 114)

God, You are eternal and You work out Your purposes in time. There are no yesterdays, today's, or tomorrows with You. Everything just is and that is why You are the Great I AM. You are not limited by time, space, distance, and natural laws that You created nor by living creatures that You have made. You have no rivals and no equals. There is no one or nothing that infinitely comes close to comparing to You. For You are the One and only true and living God. You alone are God!

You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. You are the King who rules over thrones, rulers, powers, principalities, and authorities. You are the Most High God whose throne is established in the heavens and whose Kingdom rules over all. You are seated on Your heavenly throne and You rule over the nations. Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. From everlasting to everlasting You are God.

How awesome are You, O God? No one can fathom Your greatness. We have not come close to reaching or even seeing the far expanse of the universe, nor plunging to the depths of the oceans that You have made. It is said about You that You measure the waters in the hollow of Your hand and heaven with a span of Your hand (the Lord does not have a literal hand, but this figure of speech helps us to understand the immensity of God). You are enthroned above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. You have set Your glory above the heavens and You have to stoop down to look on the heavens and the earth.

Jesus, thank You for rending the heavens and coming down to earth. You came into the world to ransom us, redeem us, and save us for the slavery of sin that leads to eternal death. Thank You that by doing this You have made available to us the forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life through Your death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Thank You Jesus that when You cried out from the cross 'It is finished!' that there was nothing else needed to be done in order for the end that You ordained before the beginning to come to pass.

Jesus, what amazes me is that though You do not need us, You want us. You have called us to partner with You in bringing the manifestation of Your Kingdom from the spiritual unseen realm into the natural seen realm. Even if we should choose to not cooperate, You will still fulfill Your purpose in the earth through Your Church. There is absolutely nothing or no one who can block, hinder, frustrate, or stop what You have planned and purposed from coming to pass. Thus, we are able to be still and know that You are God as we rest in Your finished work. Amen!!!

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